Book 4

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Set’s pov

After Xylo caught the passed-out kid, yes, the wings are gone, so I assume it’s the kid. Anyway, after Xylo caught her, we started to walk back. ‘Cal, you’re dead.’

Chapter 1

Xylo’s pov

We arrived at camp after a few hours, and Set forced Cal somewhere as Inpu went to Momiji, and I went to the medical room. As I arrived near the medical room after about 5 minutes, Inmo and Blake ran up to me.

“Is she okay?” They, both semi-yelled at her, clearly concerned.

“Yes, she just passed out.”


“Good,” Inmo responded, being very protective of her.

“Yeah, hey, what’s this?” I ask as I spot a glowing sphere in her left sleeve.

“That gods the lacrama didn’t fall out, but can I have it?”

“Sure?” I hand him the lacrama, ‘whatever that is.’

“Xylo, this is dangerous where we are, and this one can track the person who has it.”

“Thanks, Inmo. Do you plan on going back there?”

“Yes, as that is my new home universe, and these two’s home universe.”

“Okay, what is that?”

Chapter 2

3rd person

It has been a week since Snowflake went missing, and 6 or 5 days since Inmo and Blake. Mori has been staying at Devil’s Tongue. They’re still really panicked. Will Mori tell Devil’s tongue, too?

Biblico’s pov

My Lord, Mori has been in their room basically the last week. Zaine has begun spying on Divinus, and I am going to question my dear sister in a few days.

“Mori, what’s wrong?”

“None of your business!”

“Please, at least tell our angel.”

“I am not telling Cassideya!”

“Mori, tell someone...please.”

“Fine!” Mori shouted she poofed in front of me but started to walk away.

“Hey!” I yelled. They gave me a death glare and continued walking.

“What!” They questioned as I stood there.

“Stop wasting my time, Biblico.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Stop asking,” Mori replied, visibility upset and annoyed.

“Hi, you two,” Monty said, making Mori jump. ‘That’s new.’

Chapter 3

Inmo’s pov

I turned around to see another white rift.

“Can we have Snow? This might be the only time we can go home,” Blake explained with puppy eyes.

“Okay, just don’t do that.”

“Thank you, Xylo!” Blake answered excitedly as Xylo gave her Snow’s unconscious body.

“Bye, Xylo, come on Blake.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Blake responded to me as we went into the rift, but we didn’t black out this time. After a few seconds, we landed.

“We are at the Protecters!” I semi shout in shock as this guild was the place we landed.

After a while of waiting around, Snow started to gain consciousness, and when she opened her eyes, well.

“We’re back!” She yelled both, happy and scared.

“Hey, hey, it’s going to be okay. They will deal with him.”

“Yeah, he wouldn’t get far,” Blake backed me up, not really knowing what she feared.

Chapter 4

Cal’s pov

‘We beat him, we beat Set!’ “What happened to the other three?” Kay questioned me as I tilt my head.

“What do you mean?”

“Kay, I know what happened, and I will explain with most of the camp,” Xylo answered Kay. She and I looked at him in shock.

“Okay, do we have all or most of camp here?” Kay asked Inpu, who was near Bryan.

“I believe most of the campers are here,” Inpu stated as Bryan started to pet his ears.

“Thanks, Inpu,” I respond as Bryan looks at me intrigued about what I am going to say.

“Okay, can I have everyone’s attention, please? This is extremely important.” The campers looked at me with some surprise but mostly interest.

“Okay, we had three people from another universe come here, and they left through a white rift. If you see one, please inform someone if you are going to jump in, and either that person tells a camp counsellor or you tell your camp counsellor,” I explained after campers nodded.

Chapter 5

3rd person

While Xylo was telling most of the camp, Ricarro was on his way to put the mirror on mercury, but he tripped, falling to the ground just going over something white. He didn’t see anything go in, and Ricarro had the mirror. His father well biological father was trapped in. As Ricarro ran to go to mercury after getting up, the rift vanished.

Snowflake’s pov

I saw a rift open in the sky. It dropped something. It was a mirror, but I could sense Set, so they trapped him, but where he was trapped landed here.

“Where is my blindfold?” I semi yelled, facing the mirror down towards the ground.

“Here,” Uncle handed me my blindfold, and I put it on, but Inmo and Blake were wearing sunglasses.

“Hi?” A voice questioned as I jump, facing the mirror down still but ready to trap someone or thing with Set.

“Hey, what are your names?” The person with teal hair and a bright pink bow in their hair.

“Hi, I’m Inmo!” Uncle acted like “himself. “

/””, in description is quotation marks just in case anyone is confused/

“My name is Blake, and yours?”

“Oh, my name is Flurry, anyway, what’s your name?” Flurry asked me. She was looking at me and sounded very energetic.

“Oh, my name is Snow,” I reply as she looks at me, Inmo, and Blake.

“You three have been gone for a week!”

“What!” Blake shouted as sparks appeared around her.

“Blake, calm down, and can we go to our guilds and inform them ourselves?” Uncle Inmo asked Flurry.

“Okay, but you all are coming to the guild meeting.”

“Okay,” we all replied.

“Hey Blake, Snow want a ride?” Uncle asked, leaving Flurry confused.

“Oh, us two are dragon slayers, so we don’t want to get sick,” Blake explains after both of us give a nod to Inmo. We hold his hands and go off after waving bye to Flurry. We arrived at Grimshade, I let go and got to the ground tightly holding the mirror. After I got off, the two blasts off again, causing Allumos to run over.

“Hi, I’m back,” I tell Allumos, and the rest of the guild was with him.

“You’re okay, right?” Allumos asked more focused on me than what I was holding, unlike Viper.

“Why are you holding a mirror?” Viper asked, intrigued, Michael was looking at me happily, and the rest of Grimshade went back to the guild hall.

“Um, found it,” I lied.

“Okay,” Viper had already gained suspension of me.

Chapter 6

3rd person

Riccaro landed on mercury only to realise he lost the mirror. Panic started to sink in as if it broke. Set would be released, or it could get into the wrong hands. He ran teleported to camp, running over to Xylo, but stopped listening to what Xydad was saying.

“Okay, so in summary, if you see or fall into a rift, tell someone nearby immediately.”

“Xydad!” He yelled after the summary.

“Oh, hello, Ricarro, what is it?”

“I think I tripped over a rift, but the mirror went in.”

“That’s bad,” Cal creped in. He had every right to be considered. Set used him the most.

“Hey, I’m going into the rift Xylo as it would be best to do so we can get set back here,” Mama Cal told Xydad as Ricarro would say.

“Okay, you met Inmo, Flake or Blake there tell them why because we could get their help.”

“Got it, bye!” Cal replied, jumping into a rift landing into Divinus Magia’s or David’s garden.

Chapter 7

Cal’s pov

I was in a garden and felt a headache. +This place has more magic than you’re used to Cal.+ Khonsu told me. ‘Thanks?’ “Hey, why are you in my garden!” Someone shouted.

“David, calm down.”


“Hi, um, sorry?” I reply, turning around.

“Hi, sorry about that, my name is Lucas,” they respond, ‘he has the same voice as me, strange.’ I thought after hearing him talk.

“Well, glowstick, I am David, and what’s with the guyliner?”

“Oh my, I can’t control it, and the name’s Cal.”

“Okay –“

“Cal!” Inmo, cut me off, ‘wait, does Inmo know?’

“Inmo, you know, Cal?” Lucas questioned, surprised by Inmo being shocked.

“Yeah!” Inmo replied, ‘Xylo did say he changed.’

“Okay, who is he?” A person that looks like Lychee asked.

“Mr Brandon, Cal is my friend.”

“That is true,” I back him up so Brandon knows it’s true.

“So, you two and Blake are coming with me and my brother.”


“So, you can meet the other guilds, and you won’t get harmed by them, and Snow will be coming to cause of where we all were,” Inmo explained.

“Oh, okay.”

Chapter 8

/They have gotten Blake and are at the guild meeting waiting for everyone else/

Snowflake’s pov

I got the mirror, and Allumos and Viper are at the guild meeting.

“Hi,” I tell everyone, ‘Wait, Cal is here.’

“Hey, Snow,” Cal replied casually. I want to hit my head on a pillar so bad right now.

“Cal, you idiot,” Uncle mumbles.

“So, you know them, and what is with the bloody mirror?” Viper yells the question at me.

“Well, all I am saying is Cal probably came here for it.”

“Why, you stole it?”

“I did not steal this mirror.”

“Can I have it, and can everyone cover their eyes?” Cal ask us.

“Sure, and please, for Gods’ sake, do not do anything to it or you will be lifting it,” I reply, giving Cal the mirror faces down of course along with covering my eyes Inmo and Blake also cover their eyes.

“No,” Ritchie tells him.

“Yeah, we aren’t letting you do anything,” Brandon replies with a stern tone.

“What even is so special about this mirror?”

“Well, if you look into it, you will be trapped in it,” Cal states, considering everyone.

“You three stop covering your eyes.”

“Fine,” I reply, the other two do the same but roll their eyes.

“Don’t start.”

“Hey, Cal,” I whisper to him.

“Ya, what’s up?”

“Please get Khonsu to send you back with the mirror and put it on mercury,” I ask, ‘Please work.’

“I can try,” he tells me, then vanishes leave everyone, including me, stunted in shock.

Chapter 9

???’s Pov

I have been faking how I act even since the start of meeting them, which, oh my gods, is hard.

“Hi, ???,” a masked superhero tells them.

“Hey, UCM!” I reply to him in a forced, energetic, and happy voice.

“You still have detention,” he reminds me, ‘Oh I know,’ I think, but hiding under an idiotic personality is something that keeps me safe, surprisingly.

“Get to class, ???,” he tells me, after I steal his golf cart again, ‘I will always enjoy stealing his golf cart.

“Okay,” I tell him, Ryan bursts in, and he breaks his cart. ‘This is going to be a long day.’

/Who is this new person (image is what they look like), and you will know if you pay attention, this character is not owned by me. They are owned by ryguyrocky on YouTube. That is a huge hint, and it would be easy to tell who it is if you watch the academy role-plays. I do not mean to offend anyone; I hope you enjoyed this book and my AU/

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