Incorrect Quotes 1

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/I have writing block, so, here. I just wanted to put a random image/

Allumos: Are you mad?

Snow: No.

Michael: So, sharpening your sword and daggers at 1am is just a hobby?


David: *Walks to Inmo*

Inmo: What do you want? *Facing opposite way*

David: ...

Inmo: Answer my fuckening question, David!


Plant: Plant!

Snow: Hi!

Snow: How are you, Plant?

Plant: Plant!

Snow: That's good. *Smiles*

Everyone: How?

Inmo: I have no idea.



Biblico: I stole a kid.

Monty: I made the child older.

Snow: ...

Mori: Get away from my daughter. Now! *Pulls Flake closer to them*


Snow: *Leaning against a tree*

Fto. Ritchie: *Approaches*

Snow: *Dagger at Ritchie's neck* Leave.


Snow: You heard me. *Gets dagger closer*

Fto.Ritchie: Michael, Inmo!

Inmo & Michael: What!

Fto.Michael: Oh.

Inmo: Listen to her, Ritchie. You're already about to die.


Set: *exists*

Cal: I wish I was exaggerating when I say, "I hate you."


Set: *exists*

Kira: I wish I was exaggerating when I say, "I fuckening hate you."


Giani: Hello, Khonsu~

Khonsu: How are you in the corridor of time!

Giani: We are NOT going over that again.

Cal: What did I walk into?


Brandeen: Where is my sister?

Campers: You have a sister!

Lychee: She is training with Daveed.

Brandeen: Thank you.

Brandeen: Wait, who let her train with him?

Momiji: *sweats nervously*


/I did this at 10:39 pm, so leave me alone. Do not question me/

Xylo: Set's released.

Guilds: Who?

Inmo, Blake & Snow: How!?!

Guilds: You know them?

Inmo: He made someone stab me.

Blake: He threatened to destroy to camp.

Snow: Kira took control, so I was in a life or death situation while meeting him.

Everyone: ...

Guilds: Are you okay!?!


/It's 10:44 pm for me now, I'm done. This is when I made this in word and have a lovely day. Sorry for not posting on Wattpad. Oh, I posted this same day at 11:01 pm/

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