Book 3

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/This is Mori’s pov when Inmo and Blake went through the rift, and I like this image of Mori/

It closed, and I started to sprint to a boat but hid in Divinus Magia’s guild hall for a day as they were mostly all gone, and I needed to recover anyway.

“Why are you here?” I heard from behind and saw Mario with David and Lucas behind him.

“Where are your guild leaders?”

“Why should we say?” Lucas chimed in as David glared at me.

“It’s important, and I need all of Divinus Magia for.”

“How important and who is with you?” The three ask me.

Chapter 1

Mario’s pov

Mori went silent as we asked and was starting to stare at the floor.

“Answer!” David yelled.

“It’s really important, and it’s just me...” Mori managed to mumble.

“Okay, puddles, go get Ritchie and Brandon.”

“Why me!” Lucas yelled.

“Pebbles can keep an eye on Mori while I find everyone else, and you go get the guild leaders.”

“Fine, Mario, stay and watch Mori.”

“Sure,” I answer Lucas, looking at Mori annoyed as they look at the ground.

Chapter 2

3rd person

Xylo had been talking to mainly Inmo about what had happened in camp but did explain the basics to Blake. Elsewhere Snowflake got up and started to walk to Kay’s office as she wanted help finding a way back. She thought she started to run over to Xylo after seeing a purple tailed half devil.

Inmo’s pov

Xylo kept babbling on, but then I hit the grass. Both are starting to stare at me.

“Uncle!” I heard from on top of me, causing me to laugh.

“Hi, Snow,” I reply to her as she gets off me and helps me get back to my feet.

“Snow!” Blake yelled happily as she tackled my niece, giving her a taste of her own medicine.

“Hi, Blake.” Snow responded, hugging the Storm Dragon Slayer.

“Can I get an explanation?” Xylo asked with a look of confusion. ‘Same, idiotic Xylo.’

“Friend and Uncle,” Snow spoke, giving Xylo a smile and getting off the ground.

“Okay,” Xylo happily replied, giving a tiny smile back.

“Are we interrupting something?” Cal asked as Inpu looked different. No, that’s an understatement.

/Inmo, when killed, never got to see Inpu or Magnus, but he could hear them from behind Cal when his death happened/

Chapter 3

Blake’s pov

This teal hair person that sounds like Lucas starts to babble on about a plan to Xylo and this person with ears and tails.

“I’m going to Kay’s office,” Snow tells Xylo in a whisper.

“We’re going to follow,” Inmo says as he signs for me to follow, which I do because I don’t want Snow getting lost. ‘We’ve been following for a bit.’ I think as we see her talking to a lady with a snake tail as legs.

“You, two, can help explain, you know,” Snow tells us. ‘So, she’s trying to get help makes sense.’

“Hi, Kay,” Inmo manages to say as this Kay lady looks at him in confusion.

“How do you know my name!” She yells at Inmo with a surprised and annoyed look.

“Well –“ Inmo starts.

“He introduced himself as the son of Hermes to Xylo, who was shocked and stared at him for a second before being happy and shocked,” I say to Ms Kay for him as she stares at me after mentioning Xylo.

“So, Xylo took a look at your soul, and it was the soul of Inmo, son of Hermes.” Kay asked Inmo, staring at him with shock.

“Yes, Kay, it’s me,” Inmo replied.

“You got more extroverted.”

“Well, I am still a part of my counterpart.”

“You’re a part of an alternate version of you!”

“Sorry to interrupt, but Ms. Kay, can you help us get back to that other world?” Snow interrupted, but Inmo and Kay looked fine with it.

“It’s okay, and sure, do you know how you got here?”

“White rift,” we all spoke in sink as Kay looked at us with surprise.

Chapter 4

/This is, while chapters 2 and 3 are just in with the group in FTO/

Kit’s pov

David came and got me and his son, Plant first, then everyone else but Ritchie and Brandon. Everyone started rushing to the guild hall.

“Why are we all going to the guild hall?”

“Someone needs all Divinus Magia there because they are in the guild hall,” David explained to me as we entered.

“Why is Mori here!” Ritchie shouted clearly, angry. I mean, yeah.

“Calm down, brother,” Brandon stepped in. Everyone was relieved.

“You stop pacing and explain!” David yells at Mori.

3rd person

Mori had been pacing since it was only them, and Mario. They finally stopped yet still couldn’t take their eyes off the ground.

“Mori, look at us and talk,” Mario mumbled to Mori, trying to comfort the Soul Dragon Slayer.

Mori looked up a bit, able to look at them and the ground.

“I I couldn’t help, I I couldn’t even...”

Divinus Magia’s members stared at Mori more concerned by the second. “What do you mean?” Brandon asked.

“Inmo, Blake, and –“

“Blake, as in lost child!” David shouted, but Mori and Lucas glared at him.

“Don’t disrespect my daughter’s friend like that,” Mori blurted with an angry and frustrated tone.

“Wait, wait, daughter!” Mario shouted at Mori as David with the rest of the guild looked stunned.

Chapter 5

Mori’s pov

‘I fucked up.’ My mind muttered. The guild had shocked looks and I just decided fuck it.

“Have any of you seen Snow?” Everyone looked at me thinking I was changing the topic.


“Can I just know where my daughter is?” I chose to fuck it, so I did.

“Snow is your daughter. Why not check with Lampshade!” David yelled at me, clearly shocked like everyone else.

“I did. They don’t know, and she likes spending time with her uncle, so here was the next most likely place then you’re calling a guild meeting because she is a civilian, a guild member, and a kid,” Mori explained making everyone more surprised now.

“Okay, has anyone seen or heard from Snow?”

“No,” they all replied, but Mori still had a worried look but more worried than just can’t find my daughter.

“We’ll call a meeting tomorrow. Is there anything else?” Brandon asked, noticing the more worried look than before.

“Inmo and Blake fell through a white rift it appeared under Blake, but Inmo tried to help, and then both fell in it closed as both passed out...” Mori mutter to Brandon his eyes widen in shock as a guild member and civilian are lost. Who knows where.

“Everyone, get some rest, and Mori, you return tomorrow for the meeting.” Brandon started as Mori poofed to their room in Devil’s Tongue, and Divinus Magia was leaving the guild hall to get ready for bed.

Chapter 6

3rd person

After Cal explained the plan and Inmo started to try and explain how they got here.

“So, you need help finding a white rift to potentially get you home?” Kay questioned.

“Well, that rift sent all here, though I didn’t end up in camp when I went through.” Snowflake explained to Kay.

“So, you will likely end up in the same world but still potentially different places,” Kay stated, still showing a lot of concern.

“Yes, from what we all gathered,” Blake answered Kay.

“Okay, we will look, but could you help us with the set situation.”

“Sure, but I make no promises on her not coming out,” Snowflake answered Kay seemed to understand as Inmo and I denied as I wasn’t good with magic, and Inmo didn’t want to die or see Set again.

“Okay, Snowflake, you go talk to Xylo for training and stay away from Mario.”

“Mario?” Snowflake questioned, seeming confused as to why to stay away from him.

“Mario, son of Zues, and he started to get corrupted,” Kay explained, leaving Inmo shocked.

“So, stay away from the son of Zues and train with Xylo, okay,” Snowflake responded, realising it was this world’s Mario.

Chapter 7

Inpu’s pov

So, we finished going over our plan to defeat Set in the corridor of time Cal made.

“So, we leave now, and I help Momiji.”

“Yeah, that is your job, and mine is to protect the campers,” Xylo said, reassuring me.

“Okay, let’s go,” Cal spoke as we were all in the camp now.

“Hi!” A probably 13-year-old person was behind Xylo, making him jump in surprise.

“Snow, why are you here, I thought you were talking to Kay.”

“Well, Inmo and Blake are already looking, and Kay asked if we could help with your situation, Blake and Inmo didn’t want to for good reason, so she told me to get training from you, Xylo.”

“You choose to help!” Me and Cal yelled. She was terrified of Set, then throw a dagger at him missing and nearly hitting Cal.

“Okay, but you just stop anyone helping Set, and if no one is, hide and stay safe,” I tell her, and she giggles yet nods her head.

“You sound like Allumos right now,” Snow giggles, ‘this kid is strange.’

“Hey, do you know your godly parent?” Cal asked, she stares at him with a confused look.

“My what?”

“Your godly parent,” Xylo tries to say.

“You aren’t going to get anywhere with Snow,” she spoke as if she were a different person.

“Inpu, Cal, may I talk to you two?” They ask, as Xylo looks confused.

“Sure, just tell Xylo, too,” Cal says to them as they take off their blindfold.

“Fine, though we should go to my area as I don’t want Set listening in.”

“Okay, where is your area?” Xylo asks will both me and Cal are just confused.

“Just follow me, and if Set follows, I am letting Kira beat that bloody god up,” They state clearly angry, and we start to follow them.

Chapter 8

Yang’s pov

We all walked for a while. I could sense Set but choose to point it out after we were in my area.

“We’re here,” I tell them as they look relived, especially Inpu.

“Where even are we?” Cal questioned as Inpu, along with Xylo, had a brief look around.

“The entrance of my area or domain,” I reply as Cal blinks at me in shock, Xylo gets ready to pull out his sword, Inpu looks fascinated but has his shadow arm out, and Set is just watching.

“Set, I can sense you’re here.”

“Clever, though do explain who or what you are,” Set tells me clearly intrigued by my wings as he comes from behind, crap.

“Well, Set go in front of me, and the demigods get an explanation, too.”

“Very well,” Set responds to me as my blood boils and the demis stare at me.

“I am not Snow, I am one of her unknown gods, not a godly parent. However, I am a part of her as she has stated she is not from this world. She is Brandeen’s half-sister yes, I have met her father, and no, she does not know,” I explain to them, they listen, and I see Inpu talking notes of what I am saying.

“How do we know who is who?” Xylo and Set ask me.

“Two ways, her eyes and the other is..” I don’t know if I should show them mainly, Set.

“Just show us!” Xylo yells at me. I take off her hoodie, and it becomes easier to see my angel wings. The hoodie is around her waist.

“How are the eyes different?” Cal and Inpu question, I take off her blindfold fold, and they see my purely golden eyes.

“What are you the god of?” Set questions me, I glare at him.

“Purity, and the heaven like underworld,” I say to Set with a polite but annoyed tone. I feel like passing out, so as the three demis yatter on, I pass out, and I see Snow hugging me as she is taking control but is terrified of Set.

Chapter 9

/In FTO, this is when the guild meeting starts as the other chapters if FTO chapters would just be them doing daily activities/

Bryan’s pov

‘Oh, Mori’s here.’ “Wait, Mori, why are you here!” I question with yelling at the Dragon Slayer.

“Bryan, calm down. They must have an explanation, right?” Lopho told me looking at Mori.


“Why are you so quiet?” I question as the Diablos twins come up, along with Allumos and Viper.

“She will explain later on,” all four of them reply, leaving lopho, and I stun in shock and fear.

“Now, we wait for Flurry.”

“I’m here,” Flurry said, just coming up as Davis remained silent.

“Hi, um...” Mori didn’t know what to say as Flurry and Davis went to their pillars.

“Hi, why were we called?” Davis responded to Mori facing the direction of them.

“So, Grimshade and Divinus have been asked already, but have any of the Protecters or La Carnival guild members seen Snow?” Mori questioned Lopho, Flurry, Davis, and I were staring at them confused.

“No, who is that?” I question.

“New member of my guild,” Allumos replied to my question for them.

“Still don’t know.”

“So, no,” they ask us as Lopho nods.

“Great, no guild knows where my daughter is just great,” they state sarcastically as Flurry blinks at them in worry.

“Oh, okay, um, we can help look.”

“No, it’s okay, Flurry. I think I just need to find something,” Mori replied sweetly to Flurry as they could tell her motherly instincts were starting to worry for their daughter.

/I hope you liked book 3, I have an yt channel – Creator, Izzy and Sky – the group (old name) 😄. I may fall silent over there as I am working on a chapter or book over here/

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