t w e n t y

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I clamp my hand over Sirius's mouth and press my ear to the door, listening for approaching footsteps.

"Mffr ya doin'?" Sirius mumbles beneath my hand, his own hands lingering on my back beneath my shirt. Although, his movements have ceased.

"Shh... I think I hear Filch."

"Hmm no one."

"What?" I question, attempting to process his words, only to realise my hand is still covering his mouth. I quickly remove it. "Oh—sorry!"

"You're quite keen on avoiding being caught, aren't you?" Sirius teases, his lips forming a subtle smile.

Remaining silent as I continue to eavesdrop, Sirius nuzzles my neck and plants kisses along my jaw. He then gently grasps my chin, turning my head towards him. "Relax, love. No one's outside."

It's been a week since the party – the one that concluded with James and Remus escorting me back to the Gryffindor tower, all the while enduring my complaints about Sirius. Fortunately, I reached the safety of the bathroom adjoining the girls' dormitory before vomiting.

I still haven't questioned him about Hannah—whether it's true that he 'been busy with her' at the party, and what 'been busy with' even means. Are we talking about kissing, or something more?

I attempt to bring it up several times, but he always manages to distract me. And I let him. Every time.

"I already have detention for falling asleep in Charms. I can't get caught snogging you in a broom closet—after curfew, no less," I tell him before pulling his tie, bringing his lips to mine, and initiating another round of kissing.

Just as things heat up, the door creaks open.

Panic surges through me, but Sirius just grins, the devil-may-care twinkle in his eyes giving nothing away. I hastily pull away from him.

"Are you kidding me!" Lily's voice echoes in the confined space. "A broom closet. Really, Ellie?"

I send Sirius an I-told-you-so look before turning my gaze to Lily and Remus, who stand behind her, trying hard not to laugh.

Sirius smirks, entwining his hands with mine. "Hello Evans. Hi Moony."

"What are you two doing here?" I ask Lily.

"Prefects, remember?" She gestures towards the shiny badges adorning their robes. "We are patrolling this floor. I don't want to know what you two are doing, but if you want to avoid detention, I suggest the two of you try to make it back to the tower without getting caught by anyone else." She says, shooing us away with her hand.

"Thank you, Lil." I say and move past her, squeezing Sirius's hand and dragging him along.

"See you back in the dorm, Padfoot." Remus yells out, obviously more amused by the situation than Lily.

As we tiptoe along the dimly lit corridor, I shoot Sirius a sidelong glance. His hair is slightly ruffled, his tie crooked, and his shirt untucked with several buttons open. That's my doing.

He's grinning. What's so amusing? Does he find getting caught funny?

"You're staring, love."

"I have a question."

He looks at me, noting the serious tone in my voice. "What do you want to know?"

"That wasn't the first time Lily found you in a broom closet, was it?"

He chuckles. "Don't tell me that was the first time you had a good snog in a closet."

"No. Filch actually caught me with Holden a while back, and I frequently used the one on the third floor with Da—" I see him arch his brow and realise a discussion about how many chaps I had pulled into broom closets was not an ideal conversation to have with him. "Just answer the question."

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐄 ☆ Sirius Black ✔️Where stories live. Discover now