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Naruto walked into the airport, dragging his suitcase behind him. He pulled out his vibrating phone and answered Sasuke's call.

"Hey dobe, where are you?"

"In the airport?"

"Come to Gate 3. We are taking ni-san's private jet. We all are already here."

Naruto sighed and turned. Of course we were taking a private jet.

Naruto got stares from the airport. The handsome blonde had sharp figures and a toned, muscular body, and towered above most at the height of 6'2. Taking long strides, Naruto reached Gate 3 in no time.

"Sorry for making you wait," Naruto apologised sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. 

"Its fine," Itachi said kindly. His long hair was tied in a low ponytail, and over a turtleneck he wore a grey blazer. The man was only a few years older than Naruto and Sasuke. Naruto also noticed a pinkette, standing beside Sasuke. What a unique hair colour, Naruto thought to himself.

"Naruto, meet Sakura," Sasuke introduced Naruto to Sakura. 

Naruto extended his hand out to Sakura for a handshake. "Hi, my name is Naruto Namikaze. Pleased to meet you, Sakura-san!"

As Sakura shook Naruto's hand, she felt tears brimming in her eyes. Did he completely forget her? Sakura-san. Sakura saw the shadow of sixteen-year-old Naruto, and sniffed back her tears. 

He was happier now. 

"Hey, Naruto, did you bring your formal attire?" Sasuke slung an arm around Naruto and they started walking towards the jet.

"Yeah, of course I did! What do you think I am, a child?" They laughed together, just like they used to when they were children. Sasuke subtly looked back and he and Sakura made eye contact. Sakura's breath hitched when she caught on what Sasuke was mouthing to her. 

Hinata will be there.

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