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During the dinner Rahul was just being extra hot headed and throwing sarcasm all the time. Not like the other seniors were very fond of the juniors but they didn't hate them and none of them liked how Rahul was talking to them especially to Hardik

They decided they would talk to rahul after dinner, and when the dinner was over they dragged rahul in an empty corner spot that only they knew.

Rohit- what is wrong with you rahul? That was not what I expected from you Rahul.

Shubh- I agree, we are not exactly very fond of them either but we don't exactly know them to not like them?

Shami- Man I know you get stressed but don't take it out on the Junior's especially hardik it felt like you were targetting him on purpose.

Rahul- Guy's did I ever tell you I had a crush on a boy in my school in 12th

Rohit- No you didn't?

Shami- you never told me come on!I was your best friend I would have helped you, you know?

Shubh-...... Don't tell me-

Rahul- yup you are right it's him

Rahul said as he sighed and started rubbing his nape

Shami- Man how did you even recognize him? I mean it's been literally years and boi you said it was attraction not a goddamned crush!?

Rohit- Don't tell me you still like him-?

Rahul- how could I ever forget those light chocolate brown eyes and the fact he still wears the ring I accidentally gave him is cute, and yeah congratulations on realizing that I have been stupidly pinning over a guy who barely talked to me.

Shubh- You know you might still have a chance -?

Rahul- How?

Rohit- are you that dense in the head..?

Shami- he is literally living in the same room as you, he is literally single, and the fact he still wear the ring you accidentally gave him means that you might be something to him right?

Rahul- I don't know I will count my chances. I wanna have a drink you up for it

All four of them left from the corner not realizing that 3 idiots had heard them, loud and clear.

In the personal bar that they had in their house

Shubh- if you like him no sorry love him then why did you behave so rudely to him?

Rahul- I don't want those feelings that cannot be reciprocated.

Rohit- Wait how did y'all meet I mean there must be some love story in here, the missing puzzle that you are not willing to tell us.

Rohit said in a teasing voice as Rahul turned him down and said he wouldn't speak a word about it till he was in his grave, but oh Shami was still alive how could he miss this chance to embarrass him, chances like these are hard to find. So shami being the mood saver he is started speaking

Shami- he used to see him from his window, days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, finally one day he followed him and to his surprise the guy worked at his favorite cafe which he hasn't been to in forever, after finding that out he used to go their everyday dragging me with him so he wouldn't look like a creep, they started to have conversations and this guy was on cloud nine, he used to bring him flowers and small gifts this continued for weeks but our class 12 th was coming to an end and so on our last exam we went there but he wasn't there at that time when were about to about leave the guy came and greeted us we couldn't stay for long and this stupid accidentally left his ring there and that was the first and last time I had ever seen his eyes sparkle at someone's name and the fact and mind you that ring was a gift from his grandmother with a little wish before her death when you fall in love give them this ring to represent it, since in 10 th he wasn't really in love he just wore it himself but then he lost it.

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