Siraj was shocked, shocked to the core that he was just standing there, lost in his own thoughts which were just blank he was so confused he didn't even know what to think, should he be happy, should he be creeped out he honestly didn't know how should he act but one thing was for sure that he was truly excited to see the tricks on shami's sleeve.

His train of thoughts were suddenly interrupted when someone abruptly shook him screaming his name, he finally broke out of his trance and looked around to see Ishan standing there...

Ishan:- WTF were you Thinking? So hardly I called out your name for like the eleventh time (get the relevance? 😂)

Siraj:- Oh it is nothing for I was just trying to memorize where I had to go now I don't really know.....

Ishan:- You didn't ask shami bhaiy-

Shami:- You both alright? I heard someone screaming siraj's name?

Ishan:- it was nothing but can you help siraj he doesn't remember the way to the room.

He said as he mentally face palmed himself

Shami:- Oh..? Okay sure I can help him, though you should probably leave, it's almost twelve.

Ishan:- Oh okay and Thanks bhaiya for letting me know

Ishan said as he turned around and started to jog a bit towards his room while shami and siraj turned around the opposite way

Shami:- You should've told me you didn't know the way

Shami said as he grinned

Siraj:- I did I just forgot it....

Shami:- Don't pay much heed to my words. You need not to be affected by my words but I cannot promise that you won't be affected by my actions. Go.

Siraj:- Huh where?

Shami:- The room.

Shami said as he pointed towards the room

Siraj:- oh yes.. You aren't coming in?

Shami:- I will in a while, No worries I won't disturb your sleep I have a extra key

Shami said as he pulled out another  identical key card showing that he did have another key and then he left.


It was currently 12:43 AM as shami checked the time and opened the door to his room, to his surprise lights still on.

Okay so this is the room idk know if you can call it room

Okay so this is the room idk know if you can call it room

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ust imagine 💀

Siraj concluded that Shami was back as he heard the bathroom door open and close. After a while Shami walked in the room shirtless with just some light lower on rubbing his hair on a towel in an attempt to dry it he glanced at Siraj who was stiing on the floor with a coke in his hands.

Shami:- a bad dream? Or late sleeping habits?

Siraj:- it's something else

Siraj said as he looked away with rosy cheeks trying to avoid eye contact. After observing Siraj, Shami just quietly sat down in front of Siraj, as Siraj threw a questioning look towards him

Shami:- I know we met today but if you want you can share anything with me if it is anything that you are willing to share I am always here to listen and lend a shoulder to cry

Siraj:- It's not anything bad..... It's just embarrassing

Siraj said as he turned an even darker shade of red. This time it was Shami who threw a questioning look towards him.

Siraj:- I can't sleep without cuddling....... At home I have an human size teddy bear so it was quite easy to fall asleep but i didn't bring it here...

Siraj said quietly as he turned even a darker shade of red if it was possible, siraj was hoping that Shami would understand, take the hint on what he was implying cause it was too embarrassing to voice it out. Shami stayed quite for a few mins.

Shami:- I guess say no more.

Siraj:- what do you mean-?

What shami did next was a real shocker for Siraj

I know it's short and like I said I would focus more on shami on siraj In the starting jere is the first episode dedicated to them and there's more upcoming though the next one might be a mix of two ships idrk but i hope you liked this
And uhh y'all should comment cause I am not at all sure if any of you are really even liking it or if you want something in the story plus there's gonna be no angst in this story so no toxicity but yeah there will be small fights cute ones or hot ones. Peace out.

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