To The Inferno

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Disclaimer: The following is a fictional story. It depicts the following: Violence, explicit language, drug use, alcohol use, and suggestive themes. Please read at your discretion.

Second-period bell is just ringing.

Jeremy decides to go to the restroom.

Just as he's unbuckling his belt he hears someone farting in the stall next to him. Jeremy tries to stay quiet while peeing. He's self-conscious while going to the restroom.

That's when a familiar face walks in. The guy who was extorting him for money before. Still sporting the shiner Lobos gave him a day prior. Two other goons with him as he barged in.

He looks around first before he says

"Your bodyguards aren't here?"

"Ayo I'm trying to take a shit! Shut up!"

The guy then kicks the stall

"Shut up!" The two goons with him laughing making towels with soap and throwing them over.

"Yeah shut the fuck up!" Laughing as they did so.

The guy goes back to Jeremy. He followed Jeremy in here.

"I don't even want the money now, I want to make you look like a bitch!" That's when he looks over at the other urinal that wasn't flushed.

"M-M-Michael please." Jeremy not having time to buckle his pants back up or zip up his pants. His tidy whites in open view. Michael, the despicable grabs Jeremy by the back of the neck.

"I-I-I'll pay y-yyou! I'll pay you 20- no-no-no 50$!!"

"Oh I'll take the 50$ But you're still gonna get this GOLDEN swirlie!" Michael said, inching Jeremy's face closer to the toilet bowl. Jeremy was forced to bend down, no matter how hard he fought back.

The other two goons repeat "Golden swirly!" "Golden swirly!"

"We might leave you alone for a couple of days after this," Michael said with a mischievous grin.

Jeremy struggles more fiercely the closer his face comes to the toilet bowl. They were all making so much noise they didn't know that the person in the stall flushed and was already washing his hands.

He whistles to get their attention. They turn around to see that it is Lobos.

"Little advice, don't eat the breakfast sandwiches. It'll give you the runs."

CRACK! - Catching Michael off guard. Kicking him in the face, to which he falls face-first into the bowl.

The other two goons grossed out by what they just seen left themselves completely open.

CRACK - CRACK! - Lobos right hooking the one to his left. Then elbowing the other one in the face with the same arm.

Leaving all of the boys on the ground.

"Come on Jeremy," Lobos says.

Jeremy was quick to zip up his pants and fiddled with his belt to buckle his pants. Pulling them up as he quickly runs out the door. Lobos following behind.

They make their way to their second period. Near the gym, away from the lockers and classrooms.

Lobos and Jeremy walk into the auto shop class. The entire class is gathered around a hunk of junk.

"Don't worry Mr. Escudero I brought back the ditcher." Lobos proclaimed

To which Jeremy is shocked and taken aback, opening his mouth to plead his case.

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