The Gentle Bull

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Disclaimer: The following is a fictional story. It depicts the following: Violence, explicit language, drug use, alcohol use, and suggestive themes. Please read at your discretion.

Toros CRACKS his knuckles. Huffing and puffing aggressive breaths while waiting for his opponents.

"Would the pipsqueaks come to the arena please?"

Five young smaller smaller-sized boys make their way through the crowd. Looking like they just graduated from elementary school.

With their pants pulled up above their waists, wearing suspenders, skinny white tank tops, and black Kerry cap-style hats.

Up in the bleachers

"Who are these jabronis? And why are they dressed like that?" Lobos asking the real questions

"I dunno." Kemosabe, Mr. Know it all didn't know for once. "They don't even look old enough to be here."

"They're sophomores, even though they don't look like it." Ricky stated, "They're obsessed with that new movie 'Bronx Street Brawlers' that's why they're dressed like that."

Kemo and Lobos were taken aback by how he knew this.

"Annie told me."

"Damn, you guys are already making pet names for each other?!" Lobos was surprised by how fast Ricky works

Back down at the arena 

the pipsqueaks all stand in front of Toros. Only coming up to his chest.

"Okay, choose your four." Lupo said

"U-um Lupo, they can use all - all five. S-since they're smaller you-you know?"

Lupo simply shrugs

"Up to you. It's your team on the line."

The entire pipsqueak army stepped forward.

"Big mistake bucko!" The bravest of them said. Cracking his knuckles "I don't care how big ya are, we'll rough ya up!"

"Just one of us is enough to take you down!" Another one added in

"Don't come crying to us when BDK is disbanded!"

"Yeah, don't go callin' us cheaters because we won either!"

"Alright boys, let's wrap this easy work up!"

The referee signaled for them to begin. The boys had already circled around Toros. Surrounding him on all sides.

Toros just looking over his shoulders and in front. The bull had softened a bit, feeling sort of bad for the undersized boys.

The five boys all surround Toros. Toros kept his head on a swivel, but these quick fighters were slipping, sliding, and trading places.

"Look alive Torito!!" Lobos shouted cuffing his hands around his mouth.

FWISH! - Toros swung and a miss. Crusha ducked underneath the chopping hook. Toros spun around completely to find no one. They were already behind him.

PAP! - A shot to Toros's kidney made Toros jump.

FWISH! - Swinging around with a backhand, but catching nothing but air.

FWISH! FWISH! - Toros chased with two wild overhands. Stumbling forward with each miss. Gritting his teeth with frustration.

Wrecka bent down on all fours. To which Breaka ran up off his back.

KA-KRACK!! - A double dropkick to the chest had Toros sliding back.

"You's mighta stood a chance if ya took us one on one. But not all together!" Breaka said

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24 ⏰

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