pick a side

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hermione opened her door and we started studying. she helped my with my potions work and caught me up on the important things i've missed. after 2 hours we'd finished and we started talking. it was nice.
i checked the time it was almost 11. shit.
i'd missed dinner, i said my goodbyes and left.

i knew that once i got to the common room i'd be questioned. Pansy would be there and i wouldn't be. meaning the others would put two and two together and realise i lied. so instead i headed to the astronomy tower. wrong fucking move. once i got there i heard a noise behind me it cyrus and reg. great just great.

"hey guys how've you been?" i asked hoping they hadn't realised i'd been gone all night

"who the fuck were you with all night lyra?" reg asked raising his voice with each word

"you can't lie to us lyra.we always find out anyway.we thought you had another episo-"

i cut cyrus off   "shut up the both of you! i do not need another lecture about what i'm doing wrong! it's my life if i lie, so what? if i mess up, who fucking cares?! it's my life. i get to choose what do and i don't need you two breathing down my back trying to dictate what i do. god you act just like dad!" shit i messed up saying that. i could see the anger rise in Cyrus's eyes. reg clenched his fist. oh god i feel shitty.

"we've put up with your shit for years. we've stood by you through everything and even though you can be a real bitch we defend you. we put you first every time. so don't you dare compare us to father. because that is just low and fucking vile." cyrus spat as he pushed past me

"reg i-"

"save it lyra. that was fucked up to say, you know how much cyrus hates dad."

"i didn't mean it, it just-"

"he'll be fine just give him time. by tomorrow he'll be fine" reg comforted me as he left

i feel bad but did reg really have to cut me off so much i mean really he can't let me finish once sentence.

i made my way to the common room and saw everyone but my brothers. great here comes another lecture. i tried to get to my dorm and avoid this completely but draco was stood in the way so i had no choice.
i sat down on an armchair across from matheo, theo and pans. tori was on the floor with enzo and nova, xavier, destiny, blaize and stella on the sofa and draco was stood near me blocking me from leaving. i could feel matheo shooting daggers at me but chose to ignore for aslong as i could. everyone else went back to the previous conversation glancing at me every few seconds.

the tension became to much and i looked at matheo. he to no one's surprise was staring at me. he looked pissed.

matheos pov:

after lyra came back hurt i stormed past. i don't really care if she's hurt i only care if someone hurt her. not because i care about her but because she's a member of my group. i have to.

i went to umbridges office
"mr riddle what can i do for you"

"you can explain to me why lyra lestrange came to the slytherin common rooms with an injury from you"

"i-i can assure you mr riddle i did no such thing"

i left her office and went to see snape

"make sure umbridge gets sacked oh and make it scandalous"

he nodded in response

when i got back to the common room lyra was gone and everyone looked pissed.

"-haven't seen her since class" pansy finished

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