the gangs back together

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i woke up on the sofa with nova on me. i pushed her off and walked to the kitchen, where i was met by cyrus. "morning" i said whilst making some cereal "morning" he huffed
"didn't sleep well i'm guessing" i joked
"no reg wouldn't sleep he kept blabbering on"
"he does get like that when he's drunk"
"yeah well when i did sleep, matheo had an alarm going off at 6 am"
"i must've slept through it"
"lucky bastard" cyrus said whilst sipping his coffee

half way through our laughter matheo came waltzing in with a smug smirk on his face.
"sleep well did you?" cyrus asked anger laced in his tone
"actually i slept quite well"
cyrus huffed and walked off causing me and matheo to laugh. we stood in silence for a bit waiting for something to talk about.
"so um how's classes?" i asked trying to make conversation "there alright, professor lupin is pissing me off he keeps on giving me detentions for no reason"
"i'm sure there's a reason" "no he doesn't like me because of my father. lupin, remus lupin, is apart of the order"
"the order?" i asked causing matheo to give me a weird look
"i thought my dad trusted you"
i sitffened up "he does"
"the order better known as the order of the phoenix is basically a club against my father"
"oh so like harry potter and his friends?"
"exactly, there lives revolve around making sure harry doesn't die"
"how fun"

there was a knock at the door. matheo whipped out his wand and stood in front of me. i walked around him and opened the door despite his yelling. "ENZOOOO" i was trapped in his hug and heard the others run downstairs. behind enzo was xavier, blaise, stella and draco.
xavier and nova greeted each other awkwardly. i wish they'd just confess there feeling to each other it would make everything less awkward.

"since when were you lot coming" matheo asked looking at me mainly. "i invited them" i said confidently. "i should've guessed-" "right no arguing we've been here 5 minutes" enzo reasons and he listens.
"hey blaise, where's nia?" i asked "she's with destiny they'll be here soon"
after 20 minutes we heard an aggressive knock
on the door
"who the fuck is that?" cyrus asks whilst playing solitaire with xavier. "the others." i replied getting out of my seat.
"OMG LYRA IVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH" pansy yelled as soon as i opened the door "it's been a day pans, i missed you too" she gave me a tight hug and then i saw that theo and tori were with her. we all hugged and i went with the girls to help unpack as i went upstairs i saw theo give me a wink causing me to blush. we reached my room and pansy flopped on the bed
"what's going on with you and theo" pansy asked with support from tori
"nothings going on, why did he say something?"
"no but he's flirty with you and he gives you looks" pansy explained "yeah and you blush whenever he's with you" tori buts in "i do not!"
"yes you do!"
"i don't know, i mean theo's fit there's no denying it but i don't think i like him like that"
"don't force it then"
"i think i heard a knock at the front door should we go see who it is" tori suggested
pansy ran to the door and saw that matheo had already opened it
"i wanted to open the door" she complained
"hey guys" destiny smiled, she was stood with nia and someone, he was tall and had tattoos all down his arm.
"who's the guy?" theo asked from the sofa
"this is my brother, alro, he used to study at durmstrang but got expelled so now he's joining hogwarts" nia explained
we all sat down in the main room, i was sat next to blaise and nia, across from me was matheo, alro and tori, xavier and nova who were sat rather close to each other with pansy sat next to nova looking uncomfortable, draco, enzo, stella and destiny sat in the kitchen.
"so are you and arlo brothers?" i asked blaise as i rested me head on his shoulder. "he's my half brother, him and nia have the same parents but me and xavier have the same mum as them" "so what happened to their dad" "he died, their are conspiracies that my mother kills her husbands for money, i think it's true." "husbands?" "yes she's had 7 most recent was nia and arlos dad, even though we're half siblings i will protect all of them"

after a while of drinking and talking stella suggested we all played truth or dare so we sat in a circle on the floor of cyrus's room.
"tori you first truth or dare?" pansy asked
"pussy" matheo mocked
"do you like anyone?"
tori took a sip of veritaserum "yes."
"xavier truth or dare?"
"dare" xavier said confidently.tori paused and looked around the room until "kiss nova"
me and pansy immediately burst out laughing and i couldn't help but notice some of the boys stifling there laughter
they kissed as my brothers and i gagged and tori cheered.
"now will you two just get together, we all know you like each other" tori complained "nova do you want to talk privately?" xavier asked sheepishly, nova immediately turned a dark shade of red as she shook her head eagerly,they left the room and the game continued
after a few rounds i saw enzo send me a look, telling me he was going to pick me.
"lyra truth or dare?"
"ummm have you ever been in love before?"
i hesitated "yes" i shifted in my seat uncomfortably

matheos pov

when she answered yes i was shocked, how did she fall in love if no one knew her or her sister existed. i saw her send her brothers a pleading look so they switched the subject.
"matheo truth or dare?" reg asked as he took another sip of his drink
"dare" "kiss the person you find most fit"
shit. i can't kiss pansy cuz she's dating draco, toris like a sister to me, nia is to young, novas walked off, cyrus is in love with destiny, stella or lyra. lyras fit but she pisses me off and stella's not my type.
i got out my seat and lyra already knew i was going to kiss her. as i did i heard the boys gag. i went back to my seat and smirked as i looked at her face go red.

lyras pov
he kissed me. what the actual fuck. he smirked at me as he sat down.
"dude that's my sister" cyrus complained
matheo only laughed at my brothers outbursts.
after a few more rounds everyone headed to bed until it was me and cyrus left cleaning up the kitchen.
"are you ok? enzo didn't mean to upset you"
"i know he didn't, and i'm fine it was a long time ago and he's gone now so i have to move on eventually "
cyrus looked at me full of pity and guilt
"im fine cyrus, really i am. i haven't felt this fine in a while."
"you've been through so much i just don't want to see you in pain"
"you won't, im fine" i comforted as he pulled me in for a hug.
he left afterwards and i fell asleep on the sofa with my book

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