this all seems a little rushed

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i woke up with his arms around me, i wriggled out of his grip and saw a letter on the floor addressed to me and him. i'm sure he won't mind if i open it first.
dear matheo and lyra
this letter is to address your marriage. you are requested to come to riddle manor today at lunch to discuss your engagement and wedding plans. if you fail to come there will be consequences.
safe travels
- peter petigrew (wormtail)

"what's that?" matheo asked rubbing his eyes
"we have to go to riddle manor at lunch to discuss our engagement and wedding plans" i explained handing the letter to him, instead her grabbed my hand and pulled me down so he could kiss me.
"it's already 10 so we should go get ready" i said pulling myself away despite matheos complaints
"i have to go to my dorm i'm sorry" i said walking away
i got to my dorm and went in, pansy was at her desk doing last minute revision.
"who's in the shower?"
"draco" pansy admitted
"ok" i said continuing to get ready
"just so you know me and matheo are out for an hour at lunch ok" i told pansy
"ok be safe" she said as i left to go back to matheos dorm
"i'm back"
"we should grab some food before going to riddle manor" matheo suggested, i nodded he took my hand and we walked to the great hall. theo and enzo were there so we sat with them me next to matheo and opposite enzo.
"so who ended up winning the games last night?" i asked enzo as theo and matheo were talking about there potions work.
"it's not decided yet, i think i won but theo thinks he won and matheo thinks he won" enzo huffed as i held in my laugh
"i'm sure you'll sort this out enz" i reassured patting him on the back
"we better get going if we want to be ready in time" matheo said to me
"ok let's go" i nodded taking my last bite into my croissant
"bye guys" me and matheo said as we got up and walked back to matheos dorm
we stopped at my dorm and i got changed into a black dress
"where is my jacket?!" i huffed chucking things out of my wardrobe
"maybe it's at my dorm" matheo said hanging everything i threw on the floor back up
we walked back to matheos dorm and k continued to look for my jacket
"surely you have more then one jacket"
"i do but none go with this dress"
"change your dress then"
"change my dress?!"
"i'm guessing that's a no"
"i like this dress this is my meeting dress. i have three different meeting dresses. i don't want to infect my other clothes with deatheaterness"
matheo laughed and shook his head, he walked to his wardrobe and got his old leather jacket
"i've never seen you wear that"
"i used to but i got a new one last year. here, wear it" he smiled passing it to me
"thank you" i smiled back hugging him
i put the jacket on and it went well with the dress
i walked to the mirror and adjusted it
"you look gorgeous lyra" matheo complimented me wrapping his hands around my waist
"you look handsome matheo" i replied turning around and kissing him

he apparated us there and we walked in to be greeted by my parents and voldemort.
"ah children welcome, welcome" voldemort greeted waving his hands about
the meeting was just voldemort blabbering on to matheo about duties and i only started paying attention when my name was mentioned
"you and lyra shall get married in the winter."
and then he continued to blab to matheo
once we were dismissed we went back to the castle, we got back late so matheo snuck into the kitchens to grab us some food and then came back and we fell asleep in his room

AN: short chapter but i don't know what to write. i'm writing another book so once i've wrapped this one up i'll start posting the chapters of the new book

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