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There's no way this so-called "Seer" actually exists. Of course there have been rumors my whole life about someone who can "see the future" and "speak the words foretold by the Gods," but that just sounds like the head priestess on drugs to me. If I need to hear the words spoken by the Gods, why can't the head priestess who can literally speak to the Gods just ask them?

She's got to be fucking with me. That bitch. Have I mentioned how much I dislike her?

She had the audacity to tell me "Kyril" was necessary for me to figure out how to end this so-called pestilence that has come over Thebes. She also said a bunch of other stuff about fate and stuff, but I wasn't really listening.

And after she finished giving her whole speech of how necessary "Kyril" was, she didn't even tell me where to find him!

Which led me here, to the middle of the woods, throwing my gold daggers at various trees to let off steam. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't imagining the head priestess' face instead of the trees. I've always been told I have a colorful imagination.

I imagine I don't have much long out here before one of the palace guards finds me and escorts me back. Under my mother's orders, Atti and I are forbidden from leaving the castle until the pestilence has gone; she thinks the thick marble walls will be enough to keep it out. If only she knew that it started within those walls.

I continue throwing my daggers, each one whizzing through the air after the other, the intricate gold glittering in the patchy sunlight. I have one left, and as I'm rearing back to throw it, I feel an arm go around my neck from behind and grip the wrist holding the dagger.

I feel my assailant's hot breath on the side of my cheek, smelling the onions they had for lunch. Ew.

"What's a pretty little palace girl doin' all alone in 'ere, eh?" He says with a blubbery accent.

"What's an ugly troll doing all alone in 'ere, eh?" I mimick, catching him off guard.

"Ya better watch yer mouth, girl. I'm not the only one," he says, his face getting disgustingly closer to mine.

Well that's good to know. I hope his little crew wasn't hoping for a sneak attack ambush, because Stinky Breath just ruined their cover.

At his words, I scan the trees for any sign of other people. I am able to spot at least six men within the branches, all staring at the scene before them.

I test Stinky Breath's grip on my arm, deciding whether or not I can gain back control of my dagger.

"I'm sure this dress of yours would get me a pretty penny. But I'm sure what's underneath would be an even prettier penny," he sneers in my ear. "Why don't we take it off and see?" Excuse me while I throw up.

After saying this, he removes his hands from my throat and neck in an attempt to undo my corset. How stupid can you be?

Without hesitating I whip around, grind my heels into the dirt, and stab him with my pretty gold dagger into the middle of his chest. All he can do is stare at me in shock while his mouth pools with blood and his tan tunic turns maroon.

I yank my dagger out, hearing a squelch sound, and carefully wipe the blood on Stinky Breath's tunic while he falls to his knees, choking on his own blood.

Behind me, I hear six thumps as each man jumps down from the trees they were hiding in, starting to charge at me.

I utter a quick apology to my beautiful dagger that's about to be soiled with pig blood and spin around to face the man closest to me. Without hesitation, I quickly slice his neck, killing him instantly. This has put me in arms reach of another one of my daggers embedded in the tree. I pull it out and immediately hurl it towards the next man running at me. Bullseye. I hit him right on his nose and it lodges itself halfway through his skull.

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