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"Princess Ophelia, daughter of Queen Jocasta, heir to the throne!"

A short chubby man announces me to the ball by yelling at the top of his lungs, somehow still maintaining a formal air. At my entrance, a hush falls over the crowd of party goers, and they all turn their masked faces up towards me.

The door I walked through is situated at the very top of a grand staircase, which puts me above everyone in attendance. From this angle I can see the entire crowd, and I take a second to collect myself.

The whole room is breathtakingly radiant; thousands of candles line the walls and hang in chandeliers, crytal glasses of champagne and trays of gourmet cheese's fill every table.

Surrounding the room are bright white marble pillars carved to resemble the Gods, and tapestries with the family crest hang proudly above them.

Ladies' gowns flutter and glimmer as they glide around the ballroom, and everyone's mask is intricately detailed to perfection. The people of Thebes sure know how to party.

As I make my way down the staircase, careful not to slip on my dress, hushed whispers overtake the room. I deign to keep my chin up and ignore whatever they're saying - whether it's good or bad.

The crowd parts for me when I reach the bottom, and when I make my way to the raised platform holding the thrones, every Theban bows low to the ground as I pass.

When I finally reach the platform, I notice mother did not, in fact, decide to attend. Shocker. I doubt she even knows what day it is. Perhaps I'll leave the ball early to check on her.

I see several guards lined up along the wall, dressed in the dark blue and silver formal attire, our family crest embalmed on their chest. Shiny swords all hang on their hips, and they all are looking straight ahead.

"Prince Atticus, son of Queen Jocasta!" The same red-faced man who announced me yells for my brother, who appears to be whispering something in his ear.

The short man looks confused and uneasy, as if he isn't sure if he's allowed to do something. Of course Atti has a mischievous smirk on his face, clearly urging the man to do whatever it is he's saying.

"A-and his...escort...Evangelos Velis!" The man shouts again and everyone in the room looks taken aback.

Before anyone can even blink, Evangelos grabs Atti and kisses him. Wait, what?

Atti and Evangelos are kissing at the top of the staircase in front of most of the city. Ok, then. Can't say I saw this one coming.

It seems like the people don't know how to act. Same gender relationships are not frowned upon in any way, in fact a good portion of the people in attendance are being accompanied by that of the same gender. However, what is no doubt on their minds is the scene my father made when he found out Atti was gay.

It was at a ball much like this one, and Atti had drank a bit too much champagne. His muddled mind thought a party would be the perfect time to tell our very much unsupportive father about his interests.

Father took the news horribly, and he swore in front of everyone in attendance that his successor would not be a- let's just say he wouldn't allow a gay ruler. The crowd in attendance surely couldn't have agreed with him, but who are they to disagree with their King?

That's the day I became the future Queen, despite Atti being older. Although I would in his place, Atti has never resented me for what happened.

So the fact that not only did a non royal member get a formal announcement, but the prince who almost got exiled for liking men is kissing a man in front of the former King's throne, the people are shocked to say the least. Not as shocked as me, though.

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