Akward times

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Crowley has extremely sensitive ears and can hear most things. This was why he could very obviously hear Aziraphale moving around upstairs.

Crowley stood up and paused the music. He slowly crept up the steps incase it was just Muriel and Aziraphale still was asleep.

Crowley peaked into the door to see Aziraphale sat looking anxious.

"Something wrong angel? Crowley asked

"Um yes actually.." Aziraphale said worried

"What is it?" Crowley asked

"The last thing I remember was me crying on you before I passed out and um well... I woke up changed?" Aziraphale said embarrassed

"Oh, I just mircaled it." Crowley said a little embarrassed

"You...you didn't do any funny business did you?" Aziraphale said nervously

"No! Satan no!" Crowley exclaimed. That was the last thing Crowley ever would want to do to someone without there permission.

"I'm sorry to be like that dear" Aziraphale said embarrassed

"No,no don't apologize. I understand it's probably uncomfortable since you blacked out." Crowley said

Aziraphale slightly smiled. Crowley was aways different from the other demons. While he'd never admit it he was alot nicer than most of them.

Aziraphale felt a strong feeling in his chest. The knew what it was but it was hard to ignore. Aziraphale couldn't help it anymore.

Aziraphale grabbed onto Crowley kissing him passionately. Crowley was shocked but didn't push him back. Crowleys body was pinned on the bed underneath Aziraphales. Crowleys arms wrapped around Aziraphale pulling into him. Aziraphale finally broke the kiss.

Crowley looked at Aziraphale dazed. Crowley didn't know what to say. He could feel the blood rush to his face.

Aziraphale sat up his face bright red. Aziraphale quickly grabbed a pillow and hid his face out of pure emmbaresment.

"Angel.. why did you..?" Crowley mumbled

"I-" Aziraphale panicked. What was he supposed to say?

Crowley grabbed Aziraphale and pulled him close to him.

"You are and interesting angel for sure~" Crowley laughed

Aziraphale blushed hard. He couldn't help it. He wanted to discorperate after doing that. Why did he have to do it?? He felt a certain shame in it.

Crowley pulled Aziraphale by the collar. Crowley then started kissing him.

Aziraphale didn't resist. He wanted it so badly. It was almost 3 years the last time this occurred. Aziraphale wrapped up in Crowley's embrace.

Then the kiss broke. Aziraphale felt embarrassed but also satisfied. He had always wanted this to happen.

They both fell into silence. The atmosphere in the room felt thick and so as the tension. Aziraphale couldn't look Crowley directly in the eyes. He felt too embarrassed.

Crowley couldn't help but stare at Aziraphale. "Why did Aziraphale kiss him first?"

"Why did you kiss me first?" Crowley asked reluctantly

"I- I couldn't help it. Ever since you kissed me when I left for heaven I've just craved it since then." Aziraphale said, his face flush pink.

Crowley's face turned pink. He didn't know what to say to that.

"Do you wanna kiss again?" Crowley asked unsure

Aziraphale glared at Crowley, "Y-yes if that's ok with you." Aziraphale mumbled

Crowley slide his arms around Aziraphale's sides and started kissing him again. Both of them wanted this really badly but had never talked about it until now.

Crowley slid his tounge into the angels mouth. Catching him by surprise. Aziraphale didn't mind it though. He knew the serpent was good with his tounge anyway~.

Aziraphale broke away. The angels face was red and his eyes were dazed.

"What-what is this?" Aziraphale shuddered

Crowley looked at Aziraphale confused. "What do you mean?" Crowley asked

"What are we?" Aziraphale asked

"Um.." Crowley really didn't stop and think about it til now

"I'm not sure." Crowley muttered

"We can be whatever" said Crowley

"Well what do you want us to be?" Aziraphale asked nervously

"I'm not sure, this whole thing is jut kinda weird. Kinda like a human situationship." Crowley murmured

"Why don't we keep it as that for right now?" Aziraphale asked

"Sure." Crowley compiled

Aziraphale kissed Crowley on the forehead. "Why don't we go check on Muriel?" Aziraphale asked

"Yeah." Crowley smiled

They both got off the bed and went downstairs to go see Muriel.

Muriel was sitting on the couch reading a book.

"Hello Muriel, what are you reading?" Aziraphale asked

"It's a book called Coraline!" Muriel said excitedly

"Very good choice." said Aziraphale

"Well I suppose I should get back to heaven." Aziraphale mumbled

Crowley rolled his eye's. He hated when Aziraphale had to go back

"Bye" Aziraphale said walking out of the bookshop.

Aziraphale walked over to the elevator and started to press the button to go up. The whole ride he felt the guilt of kissing Crowley without permission. He knew that if the Metatron ever found out about something like that he'd be in big trouble. That's why he had never made any sort of move on Crowley. He was in constant fear of judgement. He honestly didn't think about the aftermath until he just did it. Aziraphale felt like an idiot. He felt the guilt eat him alive. He knew that Crowley didn't mind but he wasn't even supposed to kiss him at all. But he let it get the best of him and did it anyway.

Aziraphale arrived in heaven and walked to his office. The Metatron was waiting at his office. Aziraphale felt that uneasy feeling about talking to the Metatron but he did anyway.

"Hello Metatron." Aziraphale said nervously

"Where were you?" Asked the Metatron

"In the files room." Aziraphale lied.

"Oh, ok." Metatron mumbled

"We wanted to discuss more of them second coming with you." Metatron said

"What about? I thought we covered everything?" Aziraphale said his voice shaky

"We did not cover who it would be lead by." Metatron said

"We have decided we will be using Jesus christ in the name of the second Armageddon." Metatron said

"So it will be lead by him, will there be the four horsemen?" Aziraphale asked

"No, Jesus can do what they can do but at extreme power levels. He is God's child from a virgin" The Metatron huffed annoyed

"Until we get the plan in motion against hell then we cannot preform such thing."

"I see" Aziraphale muttered

"We will be having more meetings on this discussion"


The Metatron walked away into the hall and when to the earth files room

Aziraphale sat in his office thinking, He couldn't get his mind of the guilt or the second coming. How was he going to fix this?

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