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"Morning Muriel" Crowley muttered walking into the bookshop

"Morning Mr Crowley!" Muriel says excitedly

"The Angel back upstairs I suppose?" Crowley grumbled rolling his eyes

"Yes, there starting there plans..." Muriel worried

"Ah, I see. Any idea when he'll be back?" Crowley asked unsure

"No I don't" Muriel said quietly

Aziraphale entered the bookshop. The door slamming behind him.

"There already discussing the second coming!" Aziraphale said nervously pacing back and forth in his bookshop

"Already? Seems like yesterday they were just sitting on there asses." Crowley mumbled

"Language dear!" Aziraphale whined

"What does ass mean?" Muriel asked confused

"Nothing dear! forget it!" Aziraphale panicked

"Ok then?" Muriel didn't want to argue with Aziraphale after all he was the Supreme Archangel.

"Well who are they using? Another antichrist?" Crowley frowned

"I don't know! They didn't tell me much!" Aziraphale whined

"Ok. Well get more information! They might not even go through it for bloody hells sake!" Crowley yelled

"Well it's not as easy as it looks!!!" Aziraphale yelled back

Crowley stood up aggravated

"You wanna fucking let me go there? I'll give them a damn peice of my mind if you need me to!" Crowley yelled

"Language!!" Aziraphale yelled

Crowley pinned Aziraphale by his waist

"Just fucking ask!" Crowley said in a low whisper

"F-fine!" Aziraphale sputtered out before dropping to his knees

Aziraphale suddenly felt weak

"Is this normal for you all?" Muriel questioned

"No. It's not" Crowley said before storming upstairs.

"Will he be ok?" Muriel asked Aziraphale

"I'll talk to him. I'm sure he's fine though" Aziraphale said walking up the stairs

"Crowley?" Aziraphale called out

"What?" Crowley said aggravated again

"Crowley dear please calm down" Aziraphale whispered into his ear

Crowley took a breath and sat up from his layed back position

"Why can't you just fucking ask?? It's not that bloody hard!" Crowley exclaimed

"It is for me Crowley!" Aziraphale whined

"Just leave! You did it once didn't you?! Why not do it again?" Crowley snarled

"Your behavior is quite erratic!" Aziraphale scoffed

"You act like your so fuckin perfect!" Crowley hissed

"Crowley if you don't stop-" Aziraphale trailed off

He didn't know what to even say anymore. He felt hopeless. He shouldn't have left it was the worst thing he could of done. But yet even when his friend for eternity pleaded and pleaded and pleaded for him to not leave he still did.. What was wrong with him. It used to be so simple but now it was so complicated.

"You want to finish that sentence Aziraphale?" Crowley said sarcastically

Aziraphale at that moment of weakness couldn't help it. He broke down. His tears streaming down his face like a river flowing.

"Angel-I" Crowley didn't know what to say. What was he supposed to say? Sorry is what he thought of but it seemed like there was more to it then just that argument

Crowley wrapped an arm around Aziraphale

"Angel..Are you ok?" Crowley said concerned

Aziraphale looked away from Crowley. What was he supposed to say? He didn't honestly know why he was even crying. He felt like discorperateing right there.

"Angel..." Crowley said worried

Aziraphale turned to him. What was he going to say? Neither of them knew what to say. 

Crowley placed his hand on Aziraphale's cheek.

"Angel you have to tell me what's wrong. I don't know what your thinking."

"Crowley I-" The Angel mumbled with hesitation

Crowley pulled Aziraphale closer to him tightening his grip

"Angel what's wrong?" Crowley asked

"I don't know! I just..." Aziraphale trailed off again through his shredded voice of tears.

Crowley wrapped his arms around Aziraphale's back. Aziraphale reluctantly pulled closer into Crowley. Aziraphale rested his head on Crowleys shoulder and wept. Crowley patted Aziraphale on the back to hopefully make him feel better.

Aziraphale felt terrible. He eventually cried himself to sleep. Crowley layed Aziraphale down and miracled him into his pajamas. He left Aziraphale to rest for a little while til he awoke.

*Back downstairs*

"Is Mr Aziraphale ok???" Muriel asked worried

"He's just fine Muriel, he's sleeping currently and will be up soon." Crowley reassured them.

"Ok Mr Crowley!" Muriel said excitedly

"Is it ok if I read some of the books?" Muriel asked nervously

"Just don't damage them and your fine." Crowley mumbled

"Ok!" Muriel said excitedly

Muriel ran off to go read a book titled "Coraline"

Crowley played Music of his phone and put headphones to not disturb Muriel and Aziraphale.

Crowley liked old fashioned songs like "Good old fashioned lover boy" and "Don't try suicide" he always connected with these songs for some reason. He just liked listening to them. It honestly made him feel better than most people had ever come close to doing.

Crowley didn't like talking about his problems much which is one of the reasons that the whole thing between him and Aziraphale happened anyway. Crowleys head was still in shambles from the whole thing. He still loved Aziraphale but at this point wasn't sure if he even mattered to Aziraphale. Crowley was confused and didn't know what to say or do around Aziraphale. Which is the main reason that they never had progressed in there relationship over the last 6,000 years. They never talked. When Crowley tried to talk to Aziraphale he left causing even worst pain for Crowley to feel. He was in a stuck point. Him and Aziraphale knew what they both wanted but never talked about how to get there. Crowley had tried to get better at communicating when Aziraphale was gone but still didn't know how to word it.

Aziraphale never could truly say what he felt due to heavens constant patrol over him. Aziraphale always loved Crowley and wanted to tell him but he never felt as though the time was right. He constantly worried about heavens disapproval of there relationship causing him to subconsciously push Crowley away. These where issues that no longer could be ignored. Crowley and Aziraphale both never will be together if they don't fix this issue. All Aziraphale wanted was heavens approval.

A sudden noise took Crowley out of his trance.

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