Vol 1, Sortie 5.5: Team bonding

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*2 days after the first day of class*

It was the middle of the day at Beacon academy and most of the students were having lunch, relaxing with their team and friends until classes resumed again. Each team had their own plans before classes started again, with team RWBY spending their time in their dorm. Team JNPR were busy at the library studying over their class materials, with Ren promising Nora that he would make pancakes if she studied. The last of these groups were the Vesper's, who were busy with their own special project.

(Construction noises)

Both Pater and Rusty wiped off the sweat from their foreheads and took a step back to stand beside Freud and Snail, who were all standing next to their dorm room door as they viewed their newly made bunk beds. Rusty put both of his hands on his hips, feeling proud of their work.

Rusty: "Well Snail, what do you think?"

Snail: "Hmm..."

Snail walked up to one of the bunks and began to examine it. The bunk beds legs were being held together by some metal they had taken from the garage they were given for AC assembly and began to shake the beds to test the stability of it. He tested both set of bunk beds before stopping, satisfied by the results and turned back to face the other's.

"It's acceptable."

Both Rusty and Pater high fived each other before rushing to the top of their bunk beds.

Rusty/Pater: "I call top bed!"

Snail rolled his eye's while Freud couldn't care less. Snail took out his scroll to check the time and how long they have until classes start again.  It was 12:30 AM, meaning they had half an hour before their next class.

Snail: "Don't get too comfortable. We resume classes in 30 minutes, so we will be leaving in 20. Understood?"

Each of the Vesper's nodded as they went on to do their own short activity. Pater decided to watch some video's on his scroll while Rusty laid back on his bed listening to his music. Freud sat on the edge of his bed looking at his own scroll but bored. After 20 minutes had passed, Freud looked up from his scroll to speak with Snail.

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