Chapter Ten - Smells Are Part of Your Personality

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"Hi, dad," Aru spoke into the phone. Of course, it was ironically her dad, Suyodhana Shah who always wanted to keep his daughters a safe distance from love, had called.

"My morning star," He greeted as usual. "Kara informed me about going to a dance. You know the rules-"

"Boys equal cooties," She sighed. "Dad, I'm 19."

"A teen," Her dad reminded her. "Nine-teen."

"I'm legally an adult!"

"Aru, you can't date."

"How old were you when you and mom got together?"

He paused. "16."

Aru almost burst. "Meaning?"

"We were young, Aru," Suyodhana said.

"What am I then, old?" Aru huffed.

"The boy has to meet me first."

"Okay, then, hold on let me just drive to Atlanta, show you the guy and drive back to fucking North Carolina-"

"So there is a guy after all?" Her dad nearly screeched. Then his voice took on a joking tone, "Also, language. I'm your dad."

"Don't you swear too?" Aru smiled. "Anyway, see you. I have to go."

"You didn't deny-" Then he sighed. "Fine. I love you. Stay safe."

"I love you too."

Her dad was a stark difference from her mom. Her mom always encouraged the idea of her growing up. When she turned 18, her mom had told her, "You're a young woman now, Aru", which didn't make sense because what was she before? A young horse?

Aru walked to the snack bar, where Brynne and Hira could be seen. She didn't want to third-wheel, then went to the dance floor where Mini and Rudy were dancing. Then almost bumped into Kara, Camilla and Aiden talking about something.

And, when she got closer, she heard her name. 'They're gossiping about me?'

But she decided to leave it at that. Then, too late, she regretted it. But she decided to ask one of them later.

'Someone who doesn't know me that well among them...' Aru thought. 'Ah. Camilla'

Then, spring break rolled around. So Aru couldn't see Camilla. Just her luck.

"You guys need a ride home, by the way?" Aiden asked them, one day in the studio.

"That would be lovely," Kara nodded. Then, practically burning Aru's skin with her eyes, she said, not asked, said, "Sounds good, right?"

Aru didn't dare to say no. She'd already messed up again in the Spring Formal.

"I'm just going to pack," She said quietly, her voice almost sounding fragile in her ears. Then, she hauled her 19 year old body up and walked out the door.

She could hear some distant voices like, 'I'll go after her' 'no, I will' and soon, her sister's footsteps matched her own.

"Hey, I'm sorry. It was uncalled for, you probably weren't gonna say no."

"Not that," Aru laughed. "I messed up at the Spring Formal."

"Oh. That," Kara seemed to think it over. Then said, "Well, it was a dare. And I don't think you want to back down from dares either...and he didn't ask you to dance, right?"

Aru swallowed, and lied, "No."

"Then it's fine. You're good," Kara gave her a side-hug. "Let's go pack your things. And no, you're not picking out your outfits, I am. We need to make you look good, you might find a guy there."

Aru smiled. "What if I don't want to find a guy, though?"

Kara sighed, smiling. "Guess you'll be a single pringle forever, waiting for someone to chomp you up."

It was a childhood thing of theirs. Sometimes it was fortunate they were only a year apart; they played together, they were interested in the same things at the same time. But sometimes, oftentimes, they fell apart because of those things.

"You can pack my clothes, then," Aru grinned. "Less work for me."

"Who said I'm packing? I just said I'm picking your outfits," Kara narrowed her eyes.

When Aru opened the back door to Aiden's car, her nose was completely overwhelmed with the smell of fresh laundry and...spices?

'Weird combination,' she thought. 'But comfortable all the same'

"I'm in the back, right?" Aru called to the two adults who were chatting in the front of the car.

"If you want," Aiden yelled back.

"Okay, I'll be taking the backseat then," Aru got into the car. She didn't know how to describe it, but the smell was inviting, and warm.

'Like him,' Some part of her brain whispered. Aru couldn't deny it. She also couldn't deny that she was attracted to him, but she wished she could.

Those were her last thoughts before she dozed off.

"Shah, we're here," Someone called. "Open your eyes."

"No," She said, thinking it was Mini or her sister. Then her eyes went open and wide when she realized only one person called her Shah. "Okay, nevermind. Sorry."

And got out of the car.

Kara was already out, taking her luggage. She smiled at Aru and ruffled her hair, "Good morning, sleepyhead."

"Morning," Aru said. "Although, isn't it evening?"

"Yeah," Kara said. "You were out for the whole 6 hours."

Aru hauled out her luggage, almost dropping it. "I'm so strong." She muttered.

"Uh, need some help?" Aiden asked, watching her struggle.

"No, I can do this," Aru pulled it toward her museum. "Thanks for the ride!"

Kara also extended her thanks and came over. "Do mom and dad know we're coming?"

"I don't think so. Did you tell them?" She asked.


"Then no," Aru thought. "Let's pretend we're delivery guys."

Kara cleared her throat. She knocked on the door. "Delivery for the Shah residency!"

Their mom opened quickly. Her eyes filled with joy, hugged both her daughters. "Do I need to pay?"

Aru shook her head, hugging her back. "This one's for free."

Suyodhana said, "About time!" Then spewed all of his latest dad jokes.

It was great to be home.


(The Doctor Speaks theme song starts playing)

Mini: Hello Hello! Welcome back to The Doctor Speaks. I'm Mini Kapoor Mercado Lopez, aka, your host! Season One, Episode Two, What not to do when you're attracted to your sister's crush!

Aru: Hi, I'm the guest for the season, Aru Shah!

Mini: So, Aru, we have to keep it short since you'll be driving to Atlanta in like, 5 minutes.

Aru: Yep.

Mini: When did it start?

Aru:...probably during the Spring Formal?

Mini: Love how open you're being with your feelings. What do you like about him?

Aru: He's...inviting. And really nice. I don't know, I feel comfortable.

Mini: Unfortunately, this is a wrap up. Not much was discussed in this, considering Aru has somewhere to be, but yeah, thanks for tuning in for The Doctor Speaks, Season One, Episode Two! This is your host, Mini Kapoor Mercado Lopez, signing out!

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