déjà vu

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A month has gone by, and Sam still hasn't mustered the courage to confess her two-year-long crush on Reese.

She's unsure who's more impatient for her to finally confess, herself or her supportive best friend and sister. She knows it's only a week before Christmas, and that's her self-imposed deadline.

Tonight, she finds herself back at the front desk due to yet another coffee machine mishap, thanks to her and her coworkers' shared obsession with coffee. As the door opens, just like every other night, she's treated to Reese's impressive entrance, which never fails to captivate her.

 As the door opens, just like every other night, she's treated to Reese's impressive entrance, which never fails to captivate her

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So fucking gorgeous!

"Heya, Sam!" Reese greeted her with her lovely smile.

"Hi, Reese," Sam greeted back. She isn't sure if she managed not to smile manically, but since Reese is still there, she hopes she managed to tone it down.

"So, you're holding down the front desk tonight?"

Sam glanced at her casual attire of faded jeans and a tank top. "Dressed like this? I doubt the boss would approve."

Reese winked. "Who knows? Maybe he has a thing for girls with a tool belt."

Reese blinked a couple of times and interrupted Sam before she could even reply. "Wait, I think we've had the exact same conversation before."

Sam, unable to resist, bursts into laughter, recognizing the reference and playfully singing, "Do you get déjà vu?" just like in the song.

Reese's jaw dropped, and Sam just realized what she did. "Shit."

Sam was sure her entire face was beet red, but before she could change the topic, Reese smiled at her warmly, "You have such a lovely voice."

Sam has always had a problem with accepting compliments. She gets tongue-tied, blushes, or stammers her words, so it isn't a surprise really that when the words finally sank in, she just stood there in frozen shock.

Did her crush just complimented her voice? She thinks she's ready to die.

Without revealing any signs of noticing Sam's struggle, Reese moves closer and presents a brown folder. As she leans on the counter, she subtly flutters her eyelashes, which leaves Sam's heart racing.

Sam's heart jumped pathetically. Was there something she wanted?

"Could you do me a favor?" Reese asked.

Anything. Sam bit her lip, for a moment not sure whether she'd said it out loud. "Of course. What is it?"

"It's something about Christmas," Reese said.

Sam blinked. She barely dared to breathe. Oh my God, she's not about to ask me out, is she?

"Ted wants me to do a special four-hour show on Christmas Eve instead of the usual two hours, so I need more material. Here's what I came up with so far." Reese pulled a sheet of paper out of the brown envelope and held it out to her. "Would you mind taking a look and telling me what you think before I go to Ted with it?"

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