Midnight caller

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While Sam performed routine equipment maintenance in the other studios, she tuned in to Reese's show.

Reese took calls from people mostly complaining about their loneliness as the year was coming to a close, and their less-than-festive Christmas.

After a break, Reese's beautiful voice flowed through the speakers. "You're now tuned into the Midnight Loveline with Dr. Reese. Before the break, many of you called in to express your feelings of loneliness during this supposedly joyful season. However, some of you may be alone because you haven't confessed your love yet to someone special. Since tonight's show is themed 'secret love,' I encourage you to take that chance. Make the call and let's talk about it."

Sam wondered who would actually call. After all, making a call would broadcast your secret to all of Seoul, hardly keeping it a secret anymore.

"Okay, we have a caller. First up is Livy from Eunpyeong-gu."

"Hello?" A hesitant voice came through, sounding young, perhaps in her late teens.

You go girl! Sam admired her immediately. Apparently, Livy wasn't shy to spill her guts on the radio.

"Hi, Livy," Reese said in a soothing voice. "You're talking to Dr. Reese. How can I assist you?"

"I'm...uh. I don't think you can."

"That's okay, Livy. Take a deep breath first."

A long exhale followed.

"Are you ready?"


"So, our theme is about Secret Love. Would you like to share your story?"

"I...I think I'm falling for my classmate."

After a few second, Reese followed up, "I sense a 'but' there."

"I think he likes me back."

So what's the problem, Sam thought.

"Does he know how you feel about him?" Reese probed.

"No. He can't possibly know."

"Why not?" Reese asked gently.

"Because he's my best friend's ex."

"Oh dear," Sam muttered. That sounded like a recipe for drama.

"Hmm," Reese hummed, seemingly unfazed. "I understand how that could be an issue. Is that why you can't confess? You're afraid it will hurt your best friend if you get together with her ex?"

"Yeah. We've been best friends since we were kids. I don't want to hurt her."

"How long have they been separated?"

"Two months."

Sam couldn't help but snort at that. What an amateur. Try pining over someone for two years without having the courage to confess!

"Did she say she's not over her ex yet?"

"Uhm, no. She actually has a new boyfriend now, but I'm not sure if he's just a rebound or something."

"Have you talked to your friend about this?"

"No! I don't want her to think—"

"To think what?"

"That I'm trying to get her 'sloppy seconds.'"

"Sloppy seconds," Sam rolled her eyes. She wondered how the guy would feel hearing that.

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