Missed Chance

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Being aware that Reese would arrive earlier than usual due to her show starting at 10 instead of midnight, Sam ensured that everything needed for a smooth show was in order and working properly

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Being aware that Reese would arrive earlier than usual due to her show starting at 10 instead of midnight, Sam ensured that everything needed for a smooth show was in order and working properly.

She conducted checks on the audio system, adjusted the microphone sound, fine-tuned the speaker volume, and set up the headphones just the way Reese preferred.

"All set?" Ted inquired from the doorway.

"Just give me a minute."

Sam took out her screwdriver and tightened a nut that didn't really require it. In truth, she had already completed her tasks, but she was stalling and wanted to make sure she was present when Jennie arrived.

Sam glanced at the glass window.

Sam glanced at the glass window

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Dear God. Why did she have to be so stunning?

Sam almost dropped her screwdriver.

She made sure her mouth was already shut before Reese entered the room. She didn't want to be caught gawking like a fish.

Sam stood up and hurried to hold the door open for Reese. "Hello," Sam managed to say. "How are you doing?"

Reese nodded in gratitude. "I'm doing well. Thank you again for checking on me last night, Sam."

"Anytime," Sam replied sincerely.

Their eyes met and held, and the same warmth Sam had felt the previous night returned. She almost wished she could take Reese in her arms right there, but of course, that wasn't feasible in the middle of the station, especially with Ted present.

Reese smiled, "Well, I better get started with the show."

Sam nodded.

As Reese settled in, removing her coat, Sam turned and left.

Well, that opportunity had slipped through her fingers.

She missed her chance.



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