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Chapter 03

Didn't she do wrong? First she lied to me and then how did she get the courage to get an abortion done without my permission?

She harasses me a lot, I tried so hard to get her pregnant but she immediately got an abortion.

Without my knowledge she took this big step. She took the medicine directly from the store without consulting a doctor, who would be responsible if something went wrong? Me and only me.

I care so much about everything about her, but she considers me her enemy without any reason. I don't want to increase my vigil over her, but I have a compulsion to keep her under tight security.

Lying on the bed with my face facing one side I am thinking. after my son, she holds the second place in my life whom I love unconditionally.

It took a long year for her to conceive and when that happened, she cheated on me. That's not fair. "Ah."

I feel that I have started loving her madly, no matter how much I want to stop, but she has remained in my thoughts for every moment, I can't even think of anything else except her.

She was never afraid like she is now, I have never even hit her, so why does she become so scared in front of me? Am I that bad?

Now she is no longer my lovely yn, she has changed. I was attracted towards her from the very beginning, She also enjoyed all kinds of moments with me but now why is she bent on running away from me?

Just because I have a wife and a small child? Why doesn't she understand that I don't love my wife the way I love her?

She knew from the beginning that I was married and even then she had invited me for sex, she only wanted physical pleasure from me but what should I do with myself, my poor mind has got married to her mentally.

I have felt that she is moving away from me every moment, she wants to get married. My heart cried a lot that day when her father asked me to get her married to my brother.

Her family is looking for a boy for her, I can't let her go away from me no matter what the cost. All my efforts to keep her close to me failed; the only thing left was her pregnancy, which she terminated.

She is so cruel, she aborted my child. As long as there was fire in her body for sex, she used me to the fullest. Now when everything cooled down, she threw me away like a junk.

Don't know, how many times I told her that I would leave my wife for her but she didn't agree.

She says I am not a trustworthy man, as if today I am thinking of leaving my first wife after liking her. If I ever like someone else, I will leave her for another woman. Would I really do that?

How to make her understand that I love only her and no one else.

I turned and faced the other side looking at my wife who was next to me. What should I do? Sometimes I feel bad for my poor wife, but I am helpless because I have lost my heart over her sister.

Y/n does not want her elder sister's house to be destroyed because of her, we are in a state of confusion.

I regret my actions, I feel disgusted with myself, why that day came in our lives when we both openly expressed our love for each other, If only that day had not come, today there would have been peace in our turbulent life.

My wife is sleeping peacefully but it has been a long time since I lost sleep, it's reason? I myself am the reason for this. After coming out of the blanket, I left the room with slow steps without disturbing her sleep.

My entire palace was quiet, dim lights were shining everywhere. Today the cold temperature seems to have dropped more than every day, fog is blowing from my breath.

After standing in the kitchen for some time and making bitter tea, I headed towards my sister-in-law's room.

Her room is never closed, it is as per my orders because I can enter her room whenever I want without waiting outside.

I always have sex with her at 4 in the morning and this is still happening, this is the time when my wife gets the deepest sleep.

After this I go to sleep again and wake up at 10 o'clock after completing my sleep. My sister-in-law also wakes up at 4 in the morning, she knows I will come.

I am not at all sex-hungry, I just want to be with her for the rest of my life but she has other intentions.

If she agrees, I will leave everything for her except my son. However, as I have realized, she also loves my son very much.

I thought, she would accept me after getting pregnant, but like every time, she broke my poor heart this time too.

Since the beginning I have saved our relationship from breaking many times, I find it impossible to survive without her. But I may not be able to save this relationship for long, her affection towards me is decreasing now.

I understand that whenever my wife comes close to me, it hurts her, so, just for her sake, I try to stay away from my wife in front of her.

My relationship with my wife is also deteriorating, I try to stay away from her, she doubts me. But what should I do? Due to this addiction of mine, I fall at the feet of her younger sister again and again.

She was good when she was a child, as she grows up it seems she is becoming more intelligent.

She used to like my touch very much and our intimate moments but now everything is pricking her, My voice, my touch, everything has started to seem disgusting to her.


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