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her POV

"I am not gonna tell you anything, you bitch" he yelled basically screaming and preventing the pain in his hand & tears as well

correction: no longer hand

"i don't k-kno-know anything, please le-let me go" he said  in his now breaking voice 

"well boy it's just been 15 mins with you and you are quitting already" i said calmly 

"i really don't know anything they just send me to stole weapons and leave" he said crying oh god! i hate crying

"lie" i said imitating him while putting the very carefully shaped dragger in his arm and leaving it there like a castle on sand 

"i am telling truth" he said tears slipping in his perfectly carved chin. I fucking love craving on human skins.

i know he is telling truth because they don't tell anything to their snipers or attackers for their own safety that if they fail in their mission there will be no information with them to be told to their enemies.

this is not a problem, the problem is that they thought that they can sneak into my mafia and capture weapons as well. funny much

"please let me go" he cried again breaking the line of my one dares to cross me and he did .he called the satan himself.

"you are from mongolian mafia ,fucker" i said and the look on his face confirmed it.

"please let me go.....please" he yelled! yelled! again no one talks to me by raising their voices or I'll cut their tongue straight out and then make them chew it with their own mouth going straight to their stomach.

"fine i will let go of.............."i said with no emotion on the face and taking the gun from the table and placing it straight in front of his dick making the eye contact "your dick" i shot 

his eyes which were sparkling with hope just a moment ago turned into a laughable cry for me. the hope which was gonna shine.......... evaporated 

he screamed from the top of his lungs. pain visible in his eyes.

his screams were the classical music to my ears. elegant, enjoyable but boring

i frowned being irritated by his ugly screams which were not classical music so I shot the bullet in his mouth


"call someone to clean this mess"


"the king " which he prefers to be called "is in Italy, right" i already know the answer but still i asked the mole in Mongolian mafia. yes, in every mafia there is a mole which sells information for money . and unfortunately they all die but with their pockets filled with money Anastasia despise them for this but for me it's like they don't even know how to hide and when to attack the all are fool.

"no, he is still in Mexico" He said.

"well why do i think liar is not doing it's job well??"

"what....what the fuck are you saying?"he said.hesitatly! liar got caught!very soon!

"catch him"i said to Ryan. who was just standing beside 'Connor the liar' like a normal fucking person.

and that motherfucker didn't even noticed him.



"take him to the Canadian mafia as a gift from the from satan and put that letter in it as well"i said

call ended

"take me to the airport ."i said to driver

"as you say, your highness" driver said


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