Family Re-woe-nion

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Bianca's POV:

"Enid, gag her."

Wednesday leaves the closet and I follow behind quickly, wondering what the fuck just happened.

All this time I thought Weems was dead, I thought I'd never see her again. I was so mistaken. So was Wednesday, clearly. She leaves the dorm even though it is her own and when I meet her outside the dorm, she is pacing up and down almost angrily.

"Wednesday... are you okay?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be? It's not like I found out that Weems is a narcissistic waste of space even when she's supposedly dead. Oh wait, YES I DID!"

She almost seethes with rage as she continues her pacing. Think of something, Bianca.

"Okay look. I know what Weems did was horrible-"

"Worse than horrible! It was despicable! Downright deplorable-"

"-but are you sure you're not just acting this way because you're embarrassed?"



Well done, Bianca. How are you gonna get out of this one?

"I mean... I know Weems dying had to have hurt somewhat. It happened right in front of you, and that shit messes people up. I'd be embarrassed too if I found out that I had been crying alone in my room for nothing."

"I was not crying!"

"But you were mourning, you can't deny that."

She takes a deep breath in, then blinks. It's hard to catch Wednesday in a position where she's this vulnerable.

"I may have had a... strong reverence for Weems."

"It's okay, Wednesday. We were all sad when you told us the news. There is nothing to be embarrassed about."

She blinks again.

"Weems is alive, and she is sitting in our- my closet breathing and talking as if nothing had happened! It's humiliating!"

"Yeah, for Weems. She's the one who was too embarrassed to admit that she hadn't really died for weeks. Wednesday, no one is laughing at you."

"Then why do I feel so enraged?"

"Because you are upset."

That seems to silence Wednesday for a moment. She looks up at me as if I had told her I kidnapped her whole family. She looks as if she's seething with rage, until I see her eyes prickle with tears.

"She shouldn't be alive." She almost whispers, and I cannot get over how damaged she sounds.

I think of comforting her, I think of hugging her and just letting her cry because I know the last person she needed to see is Weems. I think of tucking her into bed and letting her just rest beside me because she looks so, so tired.

I don't.

"We should both get some sleep. Maybe if we sleep for long enough we'll find out that today has all been a dream."

"You're right." Her voice is back to normal. "I trust I'll see you in botany tomorrow?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

I give the bag that contains the monochrome cake to Wednesday. She takes it with two fingers and holds it in her hands in such a graceful way.

"Save some for me." And on that note, I start walking to my dorm. We'll ignore the fact that I added a sway in my hips with that walk. I hear a small "Bye..." from behind me.

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