memories || The Bad Batch, no pairing

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Bad Batch Family

summary: Omega makes her brothers a present that is full of their favorite memories.

warnings: none, it's just fluff

word count: ~1250

a/n: this is the twenty fourth fic for my advent calendar! i hope you enjoy!

It's been a few months since they were finally able to settle down on the quiet and peaceful island

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It's been a few months since they were finally able to settle down on the quiet and peaceful island. The stress from the war and its aftermath has slowly disappeared. At first, Omega's brothers were a little lost. Nobody knew what to do, now that they finally had time for themselves, without any missions or shady jobs to gain a handful of credits.

It took a while for all of them to gain a foothold and live their new lives. Wrecker managed to help the people where he could and became a valued member of Pabu's society. He also discovered his passion for cooking and was making the best meals for them.
Tech finally had time to reinforce his relationship with Phee and had fun with teaching people different things about everything.
While trying to get accustomed to this new place and people, Hunter slowly but surely let his walls fall and laid down his role as the strong leader. He became the best father figure Omega could have ever imagined.
But Echo and Crosshair didn't manage that well at first. While Echo was restless and antsy, trying to be useful in every way, Crosshair had a very hard time. He was sad, and angry, and at the same time his guilt was eating him up alive.

It took both of them a lot of time to finally adjust to their new lives.

And Omega? She was just happy. She finally had the family she ever wanted. She lived with her brothers in a small house. She could visit her friends whenever she wanted. She simply felt good. She wasn't scared or troubled anymore. Just happy.

Months passed by and she collected countless memories and experiences. Memories, she never wanted to forget.

Because of that, she had begged Tech countless times to make her goggles just like his, so she also could record everything.

The Problem was, that she didn't need any glasses. Her eyes worked perfectly fine. So Tech decided to make a small device that had the same functions as his goggles and gave it to her about a year ago.

Since that moment, she took the small holo-recoder with her everywhere she went.

She took pictures of the sea and the nature, of animals, of her and Lyana, of Wrecker and how he proudly holds up a new meal he made, Tech and Phee laughing, Hunter when he was sleeping on the hammock in the garden, Crosshair scowling at Hunter, Echo smiling shyly and of herself.

With the time, she collected picture over picture. Some of them, she had printed out and put them on her wall.

But she wanted to share those pictures and memories. It just was right on time, when Phee was talking about some festivities called Christmas and about traditions. Watching holo movies, eating cookies, meeting with loved ones, and presents.

She immediately knew what she wanted to give her brothers for this special day.

On the same day, she sat down and decided so make a photo album for them. Over the next few weeks, she planned, printed more pictures, glued them in a small empty book she bought from the market and decorated every page in its own style.

Hunter even got a little worried because she was in her room so much and didn't let anyone of them in. But well, it should be a surprise, right? 

After about three weeks of hard work, she finally finishes the album and proudly holds the thick book to her chest. Christmas was going to be amazing.

When the said holiday finally comes around, she already wakes up with the biggest smile on her lips. For a small second, she is scared that maybe her brothers won't like her present, but as soon as her eyes fly to the finished photo album, all her worries fade away. They will love it as much as she loves it!

The whole day is like Phee described it already. They watch classic Christmas movies in the afternoon and eat some of the baked goods she brought around.

After some time, Wrecker gets up to start cooking. Here and there, one of them helps him and after about two hours they eat dinner.

She's a little bit absent. Her mind is mostly occupied with the photo album. When Hunter notices and asks if she's okay, she just nods, too tense to speak. She doesn't notice how Echo and Hunter exchange a quick, concerned glance, seriously worried by now.

The rest of the meal is relatively quiet and everyone is savoring the unbelievably delicious food on their plate. When all of them are done, they clean up the table and the kitchen together.

When they're finally finished, Omega decides that now is the right time.

"I have something for you," she says, her voice thin and shaky.

Before anyone can say a thing, Omega runs up to her room, grabs the wrapped book and soon after, she is standing next to her brothers again.

"A gift?" Wrecker asks excited when he sees the colorful paper.

All the attention lies on her now. Everyone is watching her as she comes closer and places it on the table.

"Yes, I- I- thought... That maybe you'll like it," she nods, sliding it towards them.

While the others are a little unsure and don't know what to say at first, Wrecker is all excited. He grabs the present and before anyone can protest, he already rips the paper away, gasping as he gets a good look at what's inside.

"A book?" he questions, looking over at her.

"A photo album," she corrects, but nods.

Wrecker's eyes get big.

"I thought... Well, Phee talked about Christmas gifts and I wanted to give you something back because you care for me so much. I care too. And... this is a small thank you for everything you do for me," she says quietly, looking around all of them.

All of them look a bit confused at first, before understanding settles in their eyes. When she finishes, she feels proud of herself and when she interprets Hunter's face right, he is too.

"Come over here," Echo is the first one to break the silence. When she reaches him, he lays his arms around her.

"Thank you so much, Omega. This is very kind of you," he tells her, stroking through her short hair.

All of them say their thanks in their own way. Whether it's a silent nod and a pat on her shoulder by Crosshair, the red glint on Tech's face as she tells him that the pictures are taken with his holo-recorder or Wrecker's bear hug. Hunter is the last one that pulls her close.

"Thank you," he whispers in her hair, before pulling her down on a chair next to him. "Let's give it a look on the inside!"

Said and done.

In the next hour, they're sitting huddled together at the dinner table and look at all the different pictures.

They laugh, and smile and retell different stories they remember when they see pictures.

Phee went to clean the last few dishes as soon as Omega came around with the present. When she finishes, she quietly sits down with them, enjoying their conversations. She keeps in the background, not wanting to disturb their family moment. They still have too less of them, in her opinion, and seeing all of them so happy and careless warms her heart.

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