Part 2/6 Captive: Rose Marie

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Rose Marie, who had the run of the tunnels for the past forty plus years, no longer had the run of the place. She missed having the keys and going outside. She still had a key that opened her cage, but what good did that do her if she could not go outside the basement tunnels? The key was only so she could continue to do her job, and she might add, without pay, though since she could not spend the money or go outside, pay was not important. Charles did tell her he might give her a second chance and since she might get the second chance, he would keep her bills up and keep her place up - mow the yard, clean out the fridge, and other chores to make the home a home to come home to if she got the second chance.

Charles wanted Rose Marie to think about all the reasons why he should give her a second chance. He wanted a list and he said if the list pleased him, he'd give her a second chance. If not, well, if not, "Oh well".

"Oh well", what is the "Oh well", pondered Rose Marie? Is this "Oh well" English for something I do not know. She thought and thought and thought, and she figured it out. The "Oh well" was what happened to Lauren. It was legs where arms go and arms where legs go. Before she displeased Charles, Lauren was Lauren, and after she displeased him, Lauren was "Oh well".

Rose Marie worked on her list. It was titled: " Reasons Mr. Charles Needs to Keep Rose Marie". It took her two days of thinking and praying to come up with the list. She thought it was important to list at least ten reasons.

Reasons Mr. Charles Needs to Keep Rose Marie

Rose Marie is a good cleaner.

Rose Marie is a hard worker.

Rose Marie owes Mr. Charles and Rose Marie loves Mr. Charles.

Rose Marie loves Aunt Bea and Aunt Bea loves Rose Marie.

Rose Marie loves Bernie and Bernie Loves Rose Marie.

Rose Marie has a new grandbaby.

Rose Marie loves America.

Rose Marie keeps secrets.

Rose Marie is afraid.

Rose Marie is guilty too.

Charles read the list. He liked the reasons, but he especially liked reason ten. True, he thought, I go down, she goes down with me. She will never tell.

"Ok" Charles told her, "I am going to give you the keys, and you can go back upstairs and go to your house every night, just like before. But, if there are any problems, your grandbaby will be joining Lauren in a new exhibit. I will have Lauren holding the baby with her new arms, and I am going to call the exhibit," he said with a sweeping gesture in the air, " Like mother, like daughter. Do you comprende?"

"Yes, Mr. Charles, " said Rose Marie nodding and then, "Thank you so much, sir."

"You're welcome," said Charles magnanimously. He did love pardoning the prisoners, almost as much as evicting.

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