Part 3/1 No Time for Worry

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Daisy's story, taken from notes from my diary journal written the summer after the summer it all began

I know you are tired of me saying I was busy, we are all busy, but I was busy that Spring and that is why I put a missing friend on the back burner. I did not have time to worry and my home was more chaotic than ever. And, this is probably no excuse, but I will add here that Ren did not help the situation. Though, in his defense he thought he was helping a friend.

I am frantic with worry about Magdalena. Our Harry Potter book I took from Charles's study is in my backpack and reminds me every time I see it it that something is wrong. My gut says terribly wrong. Magdalena would never leave her mom or sisters or jeopardize her grades or class rank. She is counting on that class rank for a way out of her current circumstances and a better life for her family. Sheriff Nichols says she is fine, and that he checked on her in Florida. My mom says she is fine, and since the sheriff confirmed it, at least Magdalena is not hiding out with her Uncle Hermie Dean as we once thought. If she is fine though, why has Magdalena not called or sent word?

I am busy. Too busy to worry about much. Exams are next week, a term paper is due, and currently there is a demon baby living in my house and making it impossible to study or get some sleep. The demon baby, who everyone else calls DJ, apparently does not give a damn that teenagers require a lot of sleep and a lot of attention themselves. There are so many women in this house oohing and aahing over that baby, that it is any wonder they have not wore the shine off of him. To top it all off, another woman, Nannie Jo is planning to come in a few weeks to visit. I do not know where we are going to put her, I guess I'll have to move out. Currently, running away to Florida is not seeming like such a bad idea. I should have gone myself.

Just when I was about ready to scream for mercy and did not think I could survive another night, a message arrives from Florida. It is from Magdalena. Oh, glorious day! She is ok. She says she will call me next week. Next week, exams are over and I am finally going to hear from my friend. Thank goodness she is not on the run with Uncle Hermie Dean. Maybe, Ren will call too (and that's how quick I quit worrying about Magdalena). I just need to survive one more week.

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