Chapter 10: Rising Tensions

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Rising Tensions

Chapter 10

We stare each other down for what feels like an eternity. I continue to smile not wanting to give her the satisfaction of me feeling guilty. If anything she should feel guilty for hiding something from me for so long. Her face is unreadable. She just continues to stare at me, occasionally moving her hair from her face. I cough awkwardly to break the silence, and begin to walk past her. “Well if that’s all you wanted to say, I’ll be on my way then.” I say.

I feel her hand grasp my shoulder. “Casey wait,” she says. “We need to talk about-“

I hold up my hand silencing her. “Save it Alana, I’m really in no mood for your excuses right now.” I say, looking at the crowd now gathering around us. “If you really need to tell me something it can wait until debriefing.”

Her eyes widen in shock before slowly nodding. I move her hand from my shoulder before walking off. I know that was pretty cold of me, but honestly I don’t care. First Alexa, then her, then my parents, one surprise after the other. I sigh, scratching the back of my head as I continue to walk. Out of the corner of my eye I see Skye jogging up to me.  “Who was that?” she asks, walking at pace with me now.

That was my boss.” I say.

“Wasn’t how you acted a little harsh?” She says, giving me a worried look.

I clench my fists. “You wouldn’t understand. Like I said things are complicated.”

            She looks back down the hall before looking back at me. “It looked like she really wanted to talk to you though-“

“Look it’s been a really long day for me Skye,” I say, cutting her off. “I’ll take you to the guest rooms for tonight.”

She flinches at my harsh tone but nods none the less. I sigh, knowing I’ll have to apologize later. Too many things are happening at once, and the stress is starting to really get to me. The rest of the walk was in silence. When we reached the guest rooms I bid here goodnight, before heading to my own room. I glance around noticing no one is walking the corridors. I check my phone which now says 11:49 PM.  Was it really that late? The only thing on my mind now was sleep.

By the time I reached my room I was barely keeping my eyes open. I open the door and immediately crash onto the bed. As happy as I was to finally get some rest. I knew I’d only be waking up to an even longer day tomorrow. One that I can’t say I was looking forward too.


That night I dream that I’m in a house I don’t recognize. I glance around to see I appear to be in a kitchen. There is a dark brown table that stands still with 3 black chairs surrounding it; I start to walk over to them. The farther I walk the more items start to appear around me. A grandfather clock to my right, a grand piano to my left, and the stranger part is that all of this seems oddly familiar somehow. I just can’t figure out where I’ve seen this before.

I approach the table, and sit down in one of the chairs. As I sit down two figures appear in the chairs in front of me. My eyes widen as I realize they’re my parents. They both smile at me. I open my mouth to speak, but I can’t. I grab hold of my throat, before I feel something rest on my shoulder. Looking over I see my father motioning me to follow. All I can do is nod as I stand up.

                Everything is so weird. I look at the white nothingness around me as I follow my parents. Picture frames, letters, CD’s. Random objects just appear out of nowhere. But I can’t help but think they hold a big significance somehow. I grab my head which is starting to ache, but continue forward. My parents stop abruptly and point towards something that can’t be seen, at least to me that is. I see their lips moving, but hear no sound. Suddenly I find my body paralyzed, I try to move but stay frozen. Two men then appear behind my parents with guns pointed towards them. I want to yell, warn them or do something, but to no avail. My eyes widen as the two men chamber their guns. I desperately try to do something, anything at all. All my parents do is continue to stand there smiling at me moving their lips. I feel tears gathering in my eyes, when I hear a gunshot-

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