Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End

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When The World Falls

Chapter 1

The Beginning of the End


Was the only thought that was on my mind as I blast down the halls of what I used to be able to call Dawns Break High School with incredible speed. Making a sharp right I cut quickly into the boys bathroom to catch my breath. Panting I hide in the nearest stall and lock the door with sweaty palms scared out of my wits. Pressing my back against the left side the wall I run a hand across my shadow faded black hair, rubbing the cross etched into the right side. Catching my breath I push my ear against the wall.

Just have to wait until they pass by... God this smells horrible! I think listening for the constant hissing noises outside the bathroom. I wait for about 3 more minutes until the hissing noises cease. Bursting out of the stall I use the graffiti and red stained walls for support.

"Why does it stink so badly in here? Ugh with all the money the school had we should've at least invested in some air freshener." I say to myself trying not to breathe in the toxic air. I begin to move past the puddles of water leaks and toilet paper to make it to the exit.

Upon leaving I see a half broken mirror attached to the wall. I catch a glimpse of my reflection as I walk by. I see the same oceanic blue eyes I see every day, along with my caramel chocolate skin that is covered in dirt and scratches. My boyish features are clearly showing with my somewhat chubby cheeks as some would say. Glancing away I continue out the bathroom and make my way back into the desolate halls.

Sprinting down the dark corridor which was supposed to be the school's A-house hallway I jump into what used to be Mrs. Clyde's class. Grabbing at my leg I wince at the deep gash on my right ankle.

Damn Droids. They're getting stronger by the hour. If we can't stop the gas leak soon it's going to spread outside the school... Or worse home base... I think darkly. "Gotta get a move on"

I grimace and slowly pull myself up using the blood-stained desk for support. Sliding to the edge of the doorway I glance outside to check my surroundings. I get a vile feeling in my stomach as I look around. Everywhere I look bodies of those I used to be able to call friends lie still. Crimson blood stains the tables and walls. The air is stagnant, and the aura of death is uncanny. I turn back behind the wall not able to stand the scene.

"Disgusting" I spat before creeping outside A -house, and making my way to the courtyard. But before I could take a step I felt a vibration in my pocket.

"Is she really texting me now of all times?" I said to myself pulling out my phone.

"Hey Casey, Boss says don't mess with the gas leak right now. It will cause to much a panic and those freaks are bound to show up. For now go to the supply closet in the nurse's office and grab what you can there. That should be easy enough for you right? Unless you I still need to hold your hand for EVERYTHING. Don't screw this up!"

Whatever! Who needs to hold whose hand again? I think stuffing my phone back in my pocket slightly annoyed. Rolling my eyes I continued on through the courtyard.

"Change of plans, gotta make it to supply closet before those things make their rounds here again" I whisper to myself slowly making my way to the main Office instead. Climbing in through a broken window I creep past the ASB office. About to turn the corner I hear hissing noises around the hallway, and quickly jump into the closest room.

Damn! They weren't supposed to be here for another 30 minutes... unless they knew I was coming, but if they knew that would only mean... Crap I got to get out of here now! I panickly think. Sweating I hear the hissing getting closer to my hiding spot. Darting behind a trash can I shakily move my hand to my holster pulling out my desert eagle. The hissing stops at the room I'm in. I can feel my heart pounding, and slowly peek around the trash can I'm behind. Not seeing anything I scan the entire room 3 times searching for any signs of movement.

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