Chapter 8: The Battle of Central Park

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The Battle of Central Park


I don’t know how long I was driving for. All I do know is that this car ride was getting really awkward by the second. Skye hasn’t uttered one word to me since we left town. I figured it was probably because she nearly died, and was shaken up by the near death experience. I know exactly how that feels. I remember mine too well. I didn’t leave my room for a few days, and never would have if my friends wouldn’t have helped me through it. I glance over in her direction.  A friend is probably what she needs right now.

I clear my throat to break the silence “Hey Skye, you feeling alright?” 

She shakes her head but doesn’t respond, and continues to stare out the window.

I frown. “I know what you’re feeling right now… Having that many near death experiences can do that to you.” 

Out of the corner of my eye I see her turn to face me.

“My first time in the field was when I was 14. It was my first mission and I nearly got myself and the rest of my team killed because I acted too rash.”  I say looking down.  “It’s not a day I like to remember, but after that I went into a depressed state, and never wanted to do a mission again.”

She looks at me confused. “Casey I-“

I hold up a hand.” Let me finish. I would’ve never gone out to the field again, but because of my friends I worked through it. I’m actually happy I went through that because it makes you a stronger person.” I rub my hand along the back of my head. “I guess what I’m trying to say is; don’t let this get you down because it happens to the best of us. If you need a friend I’m always willing to listen.” I finish with a slight blush.

She stares at me with a blank look on her face. Did I say something wrong? I feel my face starting to heat up more. “Casey, that’s not why I’m upset.”

My eyes widen at this. “What? Then why were you-“

“I’m mad because we’ve been driving for 2 hours and we still haven’t got out of this stupid Bug!” She says crossing her arms.

I feel my tolerance level reaching its peak. “Are you serious?” I yell. “Why didn’t you say that in the first place? I just said all those things to make you feel better…” I say with quietly.

I wasn’t sure if I was mad at her, or embarrassed at myself more. I turn my eyes back to road annoyed.

She laughs “Casey calm down I was joking, you should have seen your face!” She says clutching her sides.

Now I know for sure I’m blushing. “Shut up.” I mutter.

“Alright, alright, I’m done” She says suppressing giggles. “But In all seriousness, thank you.”

I look over and see her giving me a sincere smile. She was shaken up, but she just shows it in her own way. I lean back in my seat and groan, but I couldn’t help but have a small grin of my own. This girl is going to be the death of me.


It had been maybe 15 min of pure torture. Skye turned on the radio and wouldn’t stop singing her favorite songs, which just happened to be all of them. I felt like slamming my head against the steering wheel just to block her out because I don’t know if I can take much more of this. I glance out the windows to check the surroundings. Other than blood, broken buildings, cracked pavement, and a green fog hovering over everything. All seemed to be in order.

“Casey what’s that?”

I turn and see Skye pointing off into the distance past a few buildings. I squint my eyes and make out a few tents, vans, and some jeeps. Then I hear shouting, and shooting in the distance.

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