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A random short story that a book I am reading inspired.
He looked at me with with hunger and lust in his eyes. I stopped dead in my tracks, which was a mistake considering two seconds later I was being ran into and pushed to the side of the hallway.

"Learn how to walk." A deep voice growled in my ear. He was to far away to hear my squeak of an apology. I rushed to my locker and whipped it open. I could still feel a gaze on me. I dared to peek from behind the tan colored locker. I was taken back to find the gorgeous black haired, grey eyed boy still looking at me from his circle of friends.

They were all talking and laughing, but he seemed uninterested and out of the conversation. My eyes locked with his, once they did I felt like I couldn't look away from him. It was like he had a grip on me, but I didn't particularly want to let go. His eyes narrowed and then widened. I'm not completely sure how I heard the low growl rumble in his throat, let alone how I felt the vibrations of the growl run down the length of my spine causing my veins to go cold and my self to shiver.

This isn't the first time this kind of accouter has happened with the star basketball player, Austin. I usually only adored him from afar. He was mesmerizing. His light blue -so light they were almost grey- eyes were so beautiful, whenever they locked with mine I always lost control of myself and felt as if he was looking into my soul, but it was more desirable then it sounds. His smile did things to me I never knew was possible, like one look of it sent a rush of tingles through my skin that I couldn't control or hold back, the feeling that I wanted to run up to him and kiss his strong jaw and perfectly plump pInk lips until the end of time, or run my fingers through his long-ish black his hair and pull on it until he groans with pleasure. Around the time when these thought floated around my mind from one glance from him usually left me beet red and unintentionally hot and bothered.

Which is what was happening right now. I could have sworn that he was about to start walking towards me. My breathing stopped, I was about to shove my locker shut and run the opposite direction when his girlfriend, Abby, was latched onto his arm before he could move at all. She was looking up at him happily with a grin hanging from her shiny lip gloss covered lips. My heart shattered as she kisses his cheek. If I ever get the thought that he in any way likes me at all, when I look at her I realize just how stupid I am.

She looks like a goddess.

Her hair was long, perfectly wavy, and blonde with brown underneath. She had the body every girl would kill for, small waist, breast at least twice the size of mine -as well as a butt, and green eyes that cut through you like knives. I was no match for her, there wasn't even a competition.

Her grin dimmed when he didn't react but instead slowly looked from me to her, and he wasn't returning the grin. Her eyes narrowed at him. When he looked away from her and tried to meet gazes with me again in a second hers smile quickly disappeared and was replaced with a furious glare. She gripped his jaw and forced him to look her in the eyes.

I took this opportunity to throw some random book in my locker and grabbed another random book. I dreaded having I walk passed them to get to my next class, so I put both my headphones in and turned my music up a couple of notches. I closed my locker and tried to calmly walk passed them.

It felt like there were someone's gazes burning holes through my skin, but I tried to play it off in my mind as my imagination. I was just turning the corner, almost had my back turned to them and away, when all the air was ripped from my lungs when I accidentally ran into someone. I didn't expect the soft sparks to run over the surface of my skin where contact was met. I looked up, ripping my head phones from my ears, ready to stutter out an apology and try to get away without getting my ass kicked, but before I could, my words were stuck somewhere in my throat once my eyes made contact with a familiar set of grey ones.

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