Anxious tendencies

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Another story idea I thought was cute so I wrote it. Don't hate me, I'm sucker for romances and I know it's a bit cliche, but I have a soft spot for both! Sorry about it..
I was sitting alone like I always did during our free time. I was beginning to regret getting all my homework done, leaving me to only a book that I was currently turning the last page to. A sigh of defeat flowing from me while I threw my book  down on the hard metal bleachers below my feet. There was still twenty-five minutes left before lunch started I had literally nothing to do. My music blasted through my headphones, tuning out all the people not talking to me.

Kids around me smiled and laughed with their friends while I remained the shy, awkward girl sitting aone. Sometimes I really wished I had friends, but then again talking to people really isn't my forte, so it's always proven why I don't have any.

My eyes began wondering and pointless daydreams played through my mind, but my eyes were mostly focused on a heated looking conversation between the football coach and the quarterback of the football team, Ryan. I was starting to feel snoopy so I paused my music and quickly took only one headphone out so it still looked like I was listening to music.

"Coach you can't make me sit out the HOMECOMING game! I need to play!" The coach was casually looking at a clip-bored like this decision was indifferent to him. He looked at the black-haired boy over his metal glasses frames.

"I'm sorry Ryan, I know you're the quarterback, but that F in math is unacceptable. If you can get it up to at least a C by the game in two weeks I will have no choice but to make you sit out." Ryan growled loudly, not willing to back down so easily. I admired the way his muscles tensed beneath his tight blue sweatshirt.

I've always admired the star football player, I mean who wouldn't? He's athletic, funny, cool, gorgeous. His blue eyes were sharp and shaped with intimidation, not that he's ever looked me in the eye before, but if he ever did I would forget how to make words and what my voice was.

"How am I supposed to do that? Math is my worst subject!" The boy was not the brightest person though, there are plenty of way to boost your grade in classes. If he truly wanted to play he would work hard for it, but that was coming from a nerd and not a jock.

"Boy get a tutor! I know you feel too high and mighty to accept that you need a tutor, but you need a tutor; so get one!" The coach was looking at him now full on and growling back at him. I felt myself cower down by the anger in his eyes, even thought it wasn't meant towards me.

"Do you have anyone in mind particularly." A lot of people were looking at them, but coach took that second to look straight at me out of everyone. I really did shrink back into the bleachers as far as I could, hiding behind my phone as much as I could. I refused to make eyes contact with him, but could still feel his gaze burning a hole through me. I hoped with everything in me that he wouldn't point to me or suggest that I tutor him, not that I couldn't because I didn't know enough, but because even accidentally making eye contact with him from afar made me nervous.

"Charlotte." Of course, why wouldn't it be me. I almost cried out verbally, my head snapping in their direction. Ryan was looking at me in confusion; he probably didn't know who I was. No one ever did.

I was nothing more then a mere shadow that snuck past everyone in silence; my face did anyways. Everyone knew my name. Everyone knew the Charlotte that was the freakishly smart senior at the top of the class, but my face isn't ever as recognizable alone.

I pleaded that he would change his mind and choose someone else to tutor him, but when he motioned with his hand for me to go to him, all my hope evaporated and my stomach started to churn.

I wrapped up my headphones around my phone and stuck it into my pocket, quietly getting up from my spot and making my way to the bleachers steps. I felt the eyes of everyone around me boring into me, I felt anxious walking in front of everyone, I just wanted to sit down and blend in forever.

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