Intro - Past

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I've been working on this for a while but it's not complete yet so there will be slow updates here along with my other stories. I'll be trying my best to update as regularly as possible between all of my stories but 2 jobs and no days off are leaving me with no time to write or upload. 

Roman's story is finally here.

Sirens in the distance pulled me out from under the hood of my car. Now, sirens in our neighborhood two hours afters after school is out can only mean one thing with two people. Smiling, I grabbed a rag and started to clean my grease and oil-covered hands.

"Five ... four ... three ... two ..."

"Laney, I need your help." my blonde best friend said as he popped his head into the garage.

"What the hell, O'Connor? You got busted speeding again, didn't you?" I asked.

"You already know the answer to that." he smirked.

"Come on, man." I heard.

"Can we come in?"

"Of course, you're with Thing 2, Brian. Hurry up, get in!" I said as the sirens got louder.

"Thanks, Laney." Brian said, kissing my temple.

"Yeah, thanks Lane." Roman Pierce, Brian's other best friend, said as he closed the garage door.

Brian and Roman have been friends since long before I arrived here halfway through middle school. The two of them are synonymous with each other ... and trouble. Everyone knows them and the cops do too, very well.

"De-lane-ey! My name is Delaney, not Lane." I told him.

Being friends with Brian means having to put up with Roman all the time because the two of them are attached at the hip and pretty much inseparable. He annoys the hell out of me and gets a kick out of it, too, which just annoys me more. Although he's like a brother to Brian, he's also about 50% the reason that Brian's always in trouble. I mean, Brian gets himself into trouble but Roman just made it worse. Boys.

"Come on, Delaney, I thought we were friends by now." Roman said, putting extra emphasis on my name.

"Me and him are friends, you and him are friends, you and I, are not friends. So Brian, what the hell did you two idiots do this time? Speeding isn't the only thing." I sighed, hopping onto the hood of my dad's car.

"Don't you worry about it." Brian said.

"The less you know the better, babygirl." Roman said, his eyes darting to the garage doors when we heard the sirens pass.

"De-lane-ey! Anyway, you made really good time, took them a whole 3 minutes to reach here. Where's the car?" I asked.

"It's safe in my garage." Brian replied, letting loose a deep breath.

"Why didn't you just ... ah, an alibi." I sighed again.

"Sorry, Laney." he said.

"Ah, it's whatever. I've told you time and time again that I got your back."

The three of us sat in silence until we couldn't hear the sirens anymore. These two are trouble fucking magnets and they always come here to hide. Brian O'Connor has been my neighbor for the past five-ish year, maybe more or maybe less, and as soon as we met, we just clicked. I never really understood why but I don't really look for an explanation anymore, he's just my brother. If I'm being honest, I do think my dad plays a big part in what brought us together.

Brian told me that his dad was never in the picture, so it's just him and his mom at his house and here, it's just me and dad. His mom is no prize either, that's for sure. I mean, she does "her best" for them, but still lacks in the maternal affection department. She treats him more like an inconvenient roommate than her son. His mom is always out and says that she's always working but they go hungry a lot. He suspects drugs but since she never brings it home, he doesn't really know.

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