Chapter 5

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"Hey pops." Brian groaned.

I hopped out of the bed and hugged my father, who I haven't seen in a couple of months so it was good to have him here. Then he walked over to Brian to give him a once over before grabbing his medical chart.

"You really fucked up, kid." dad said.

"Yeah, I know." Brian replied.

"Do you still have a job?" I asked.

"Yeah, I gave them the money and Braga and technically Dom."

"What about Toretto?"

"I told him to leave but he said no, they arrested him."

"What now?" dad asked.

"That's a good question." I said, laying down next to Brian again.

"Now, I don't really know." he sighed. I've gotta heal and go back to work, check on Mia and make sure she's okay, submit an appeal for clemency for Dom, and ..."

"Brian, those people are no good for you." Dad said.

"Pops ..."

"Look at where you are!"

"They're worth it, she's worth it." Brian insisted.

"Don't waste your breath." I told my dad.

His rebuttal was interrupted by a knock on the door. The three of us turned to look at none other than Mia Toretto, whose eyes narrowed at me when she noticed where I was. Dad turned back to us for clarity.

"Pops, that's Mia Toretto. Mia, come in ... this is the guy I told you bout, my pops, Kenneth Vega." Brian smiled.

"It's nice to meet you sir, I've heard a lot about you." she said, shaking his hand.

"A pleasure." dad replied curtly.

"That's my cue to get up." I said, laughing when Brian flicked the tip of my nose.

"No that's ..."

"It's okay, I'm gonna go get some real food for us." I said, interrupting Mia.

"A bacon cheeseburger with fries, please Laney." Brian pleaded.

"Who said I'm getting food for you, fool? I mean me and dad."

"Dad?" Brian asked.

"I'll have what he's having and get two, mija." he smiled.

"Mia, you want something?" I asked after getting puppy dogs from Brian.

"Um ... no thank you." she said and I get the sense that she's acutely uncomfortable.

"A market salad." Brian said.

"Alright, I'll be back."

We spent four days in the hospital with Brian and when he was discharged, he came to my apartment. Mia and I got to know each other a little better but I wouldn't say we're the best of friends yet. I don't think we'll ever be best friends but she's important to Brian so I can deal with her - kind of. Dad left about a week after Brian got out of the hospital and the week after that Blondie went back to work, against my arguments. That's when shit really hit the fan.

Toretto's trial didn't go quite the way that Brian had hoped for or planned. His appeal for clemency, while apparently very touching, was not enough to sway anyone's opinion. Dominic was sentenced to 25 to life without the possibility of early parole. I found out even before Brian got here because it was all over the news, every single news channel was reporting it. By the time he got here, he was fuming and his gears were turning. Not a good thing.

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