Chapter 7

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Hear me out: Brian's an idiot, there's no doubt about that, but it's all tied to this man and his sister. I'm here to make sure my brother makes it out of this alive, and cause I've never been to Brazil, but Dominic Toretto is not my favorite person. As a matter of fact, anyone with the last name Toretto is not my favorite person, and I think that makes me smart. Brian's always been an idiot, so this isn't particularly surprising, but the Toretto siblings make it so much worse.

I stood by my bike while the crowd went to adore their fearless leader. The Toretto's definitely aren't my cup of tea, but I've gotta deal with them cause nobody forced my dumbass to come here.

"Thanks for coming." Brian said.

"Yeah, well, somebody has to make sure you survive whatever shit show this is."

"Behave, please." he said as he hugged me and kissed my temple.

"If I must." I sighed, wrapping my arm around his waist.

"You must." he laughed and pulled me along. "Tej, Gisele, this is my sister Delaney."

"Nah, she's gorgeous, there's no way she's related to you." Tej said.

"Watch it." Brian quickly argued.

"I like him." I smiled.

"Don't like him too much."

"Nice to meet you ... all." I said as the two Hispanic men walked over to us.

"Hermosa, Santos a tus ordenes." One of them said, grabbing my hand and kissing my knuckles. (Beautiful, Santos here at your order)

"Un placer." I replied, blushing slightly. (a pleasure)

I heard mumbling from behind me but I chose to ignore him.

"Everyone, this is Han, Santos, and Leo." Dom said.

"So, what's this all about Dom?" Han asked.

"Yeah, man, why'd you drag us halfway around the world?" Tej asked.

"Because we got a job." Dom said.

He turned away and walked inside so the rest of us made to follow him. Before I took more than two steps, I felt someone grab my wrist. Roman just looked at me while I pulled my hand from his grasp.

"What?" I asked.

"Can we talk?" he asked.

"No need, let's go hear ..."

"Del ..."

"Delaney to you, De-lane-ey."

"Please ..."

"Nothing to say." I told him, walking away.

When we rejoined the group, Brian shot me a look but I just shook my head. I'm not about to tell him that I was sleeping with Roman, then I ghosted him after finding him half-naked and wrapped around someone I considered a really good friend. Yeah, I have a feeling that's not gonna go down well, especially since Brian told him to stay away from me like that. Nah, it makes no sense to rehash any of that now.

"Alright, so our target's name is Hernan Reyes." Brian started. "And he runs the drug scene down here. He's never been busted because he doesn't leave a paper trail."

"No paper trails means no banks." Gisele said.

"And no banks means cash houses." I added.

"That's right, 10 of them to be exact. Spread throughout the city."

"And we're gonna hit them all." Dom said with a smirk.

"All of them?" I asked incredulously.

"All of them." he repeated.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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