Chapter 3

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"Delaney, what the hell are you doing here?" I suddenly heard as Brian interrupted my calm zone.

"Oh! Oh! Now you know who I am? Fuck off, Brian."

"Since when do you smoke weed?" he asked, trying to grab the joint.

"That is none of your business, you can leave if you're here to judge me."

"Laney, what are you doing here? It's not safe." he insisted.

"I'm working, nosy and it's been perfectly safe for me."

"Laney ..."

"I've got a job to get back to and you ruined my peaceful break. Good bye."

"Please, Laney, just talk to me." he pleaded.

"Now you wanna talk?"

"There are reasons why I didn't talk to you in there. What time are you off?"

"No, that's not gonna ... no." I argued.

"Please, I need to talk to you. What time does your shift end?"

"I'm off at 3." I sighed.

"I'll be here." he said.

"Don't bother, 'cause I go straight home and crash."

"Delaney, I understand that you're upset and very mad ... and high, but if you don't talk to me, I can't explain why that happened or what's happening. Please, let me explain, I have to protect you." he insisted.

I wanted to argue, I had a rebuttal on the tip of my tongue but something about the way he said it, something about the look in his eyes made me simmer down a little. He's definitely being an ass but if he thinks, feels, like I need protection and that it's not safe, then he knows something I don't. He knows about something much bigger at stake here, something more dangerous than races, weed, and slinging drinks.

"Meet me out here at 3:30 and you can follow me home." I relented.

"Okay, thank you, I'll be here."

I took another drag from my joint and his eyes narrowed at me.

"Don't say a word to me about it." I warned.

"I'll see you later." he muttered.


He walked off, I finished my joint but it didn't feel the same and went back inside. For the rest of my shift, I was a little paranoid and that pissed me off. I'm fucking mad that he ruined my high. After the club closed, Savannah and I cleaned up our area as we normally do, with Ashley, and we taught her the end-of-the-night routine. When I walked out of the club at 3:45 am, Brian was leaning against my car. A '98 Dodge Avenger just like my first car, just in much better condition.

"How'd you know?" I asked.

"'Cause I know you."

"Debatable. Alright, follow me." I told him.

"Lead the way." He sighed.

I drive recklessly, I'm very much aware of that, and Brian kept up with me the entire way home. Not that I'm surprised since he's the reason that I drive like this. He found a parking spot close to mine and we walked in silence to my apartment. For the first couple of minutes, we sat opposite each other in more silence. It's weird and I don't know how I feel about that. Dad would be disappointed.

"This is awkward." Brian said, finally breaking that weird silence.

"Weird." I agreed.

"Pops wouldn't like this." he sighed.

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