Chapter 9 - pre doomsday

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Presentation day was like being buried alive before dying. They expected us to walk in front of a shit ton of dragons so they get used to us. We only had 10 people survive from our squad and half of them probably won't even make it out alive with how arrogant they are.

As we awaited our turn, the tension grew palpable. Nervous glances were exchanged among my teammates, understanding the magnitude of the dragons' judgment. We had invested countless hours, sacrificing personal lives and sleep, driven by the determination to succeed. Annoying a dragon was not an option.

Yet, as I observed the other participants, I couldn't help but notice the arrogance emanating from some of them. They strutted around, convinced that their brilliance alone would impress the dragons. Little did they realize that arrogance was a dangerous companion in the presence of such formidable dragons.

The dragons possessed a discerning eye, honed by years of experience. They sought not only knowledge and skill but also wanted us to surrender. Those who underestimated the dragons were destined for swift and merciless defeat.

When my turn finally arrived, I took a deep breath to calm my racing heart. I reminded myself of the dedication and sacrifices made, the sleepless nights and relentless pursuit of excellence. I couldn't allow arrogance or fear to consume me.

The dragons' gaze remained piercing, their expressions inscrutable. 

This was fucking terrifying but I can't let the dragons know that, otherwise I'm gonna get fried. Quite literally.

As I passed by the dragons unscathed, a mixture of relief and horror washed over me. The sight of the unfortunate participant catching fire sent a shiver down my spine. The dragons' power was undeniably lethal, and the consequences of failure were brutally real.

My thoughts immediately turned to Maya and Bella who were near Atticus, one of the few males that weren't egoistical. I silently prayed that they made it through unharmed, along with Noah and Lucas, the other two of our group. 

Bella's brother, Lucas, had a calming presence that could soothe even the most frayed nerves. Noah, on the other hand, had an infectious optimism that brightened our spirits, even in the darkest moments.

I was beyond the moon that no dragon had decided to eat anyone from our group.

Our parents were having a meeting of some sorts in General Sorrengail's quarters. It was still so weird that Brennan was her child. My thoughts wondered off as we walked to the mess for lunch.

What if his parents wouldn't want me to be with him? 

What if he doesn't want me to be with-

I get yanked away from my group and dragged to a corridor. Pinned against a wall, a strong hand is covering my mouth. Staring up at Brennan, I glare daggers into his eyes and his stupid smirk. Sticking out the tip of my tongue, I lick his palm. He pulls it away with a small yelp but then regains control and cages me against the wall. 

"What the fuck was that for?" I squeal quietly. "I needed to talk to you about yesterday," his smirk drops and is replaced with a serious expression.

Shit that's hot. You think everything he does is hot  

"What about it?" I question. "I think you quite liked it didn't you," I say, scraping my fingers over the hickey on his neck. He sucks in a breath and leans down closer so his lips are just grazing mine. Heat travels up my neck to my cheeks. I gasp as he lifts up my thighs and wraps them around his torso, making me eye level with him. Instinctively, my hands wrap around his neck.

After a few minutes of a staring contest, I come to my senses and whisper out "We shouldn't be doing this, not here".

"Who's here to stop us?" he says glancing around, and I realise he's right, everyone is at the mess having lunch. 

"We really shou-" I get cut off by his lips crashing against mine. 

My heart skipped a beat as our lips collided. The rush of emotions flooded through me like a tidal wave, sweeping away any lingering thoughts or words. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as the intensity of the kiss enveloped us. 

As our lips remained locked, a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions swirled within me. The adrenaline from the dragons' trial mixed with the tenderness of our connection, creating a potent cocktail of desire and affection.

"I like you" Brennan blurts out. My head was still fuzzy from the kiss, so after a couple seconds of delay, the shock registers in me. 

"I mean if you don't it's completely fine, do you like me back?" he starts rambling. Yes he's rambling like a teenager not like the leader I'm used to. Looking up at him as his eyes crinkle with anxiety.

I kiss him in the middle of his rant. My hands rest at the nape of his neck. "Does that answer your question, wingleader?" I say teasing him with a grin. His worrying features drop and are replaced with a smug look. He pulls me impossibly close and ravishes my lips. My hands tug on his hair after a few minutes we pull away, panting heavily. 

"You know I never even thought of learning a cadet's name before threshing, ever, until you," he says, and then adds "so please don't die,"

I'm unable to word anything else so I look into his eyes and nod.

I won't.

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