Chapter 7- shit just got real

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I was so happy when the weekend started but it ended just as quickly. Like how is it fair that the week is 5 days long when the weekend is only 2 days? 

Maya walks out of the bathroom, "I'm gonna kill myself, why the fuck do we have to practice the Gauntlet,". I chuckle at her being pissed. It's not like we didn't know what the Gauntlet was or how it went. 

The day we told our parents we wanted to be riders they trained us all through out. Most children of riders didn't ever have a choice I was more than grateful for my parents for giving me a choice. The Gauntlet was huge and absolutely terrifying. The wingleaders were present for our first run through of this monster. 

As I stood at the starting line of the Gauntlet, a mix of excitement and determination filled the air. This was my practice run, a chance to familiarize myself with the obstacles and hone my skills before the real challenge. The crowd watched attentively, their supportive energy fueling my motivation.

The first obstacle awaited me—a series of hanging bars, swaying gently in the breeze. I approached them with focused determination, timing my jumps carefully. With each leap, I reached for the swinging bars, testing my grip and coordination. The crowd cheered me on as I successfully navigated through the bars, gaining confidence with every swing.

Moving on, I faced a narrow beam maze—a complex network of beams suspended in the air. I took a deep breath, centering myself as I stepped onto the first beam. With each step, I carefully balanced and weaved my way through the maze, maintaining my focus and agility. The simulated heights challenged my nerves, but I remained determined, knowing that this practice run was crucial to my improvement. As I reached the end of the maze, a sense of accomplishment washed over me, knowing I had improved my skills.

Next up was a cargo net crawl—a massive net spanning the distance between two platforms. I approached it with a mix of excitement and caution. Climbing the net required strength and strategy. I carefully ascended, gripping the ropes firmly and strategizing my moves. The simulated challenge allowed me to refine my technique, finding the most efficient path through the openings of the net. With a sense of satisfaction, I descended down the other side, knowing I had gained valuable experience.

Finally, I faced a vertical wall—a towering structure that simulated the real challenge. I studied the handholds, strategizing my ascent. With a surge of determination, I pushed myself upward, relying on my upper body strength. The simulated height added an extra layer of exhilaration, but I remained focused, conquering the wall with practiced precision.

Crossing the finish line, I exhaled a sigh of accomplishment. This practice run had provided invaluable insights and allowed me to identify areas for improvement. The crowd's applause echoed in my ears, their encouragement reminding me of the support I had on this journey.

As I reflected on the experience, I knew that the real Gauntlet challenge awaited me. But this practice run had given me the confidence and knowledge to face it head-on. I would continue to train and refine my skills, knowing that each practice brought me closer to the best version of myself. The Gauntlet was a test of resilience and determination, and I was ready to rise to the occasion when the time came.

After crossing the finish line, I caught my breath and wiped the sweat from my brow. The crowd's cheers echoed in the air as I basked in the sense of accomplishment. Just as I was about to make my way towards the gathering area, I noticed Brennan, walking towards me.

"I have to say, not too bad, Siren," he says, his voice carrying a hint of admiration as he towers over me.

"Thanks," I reply, my heart racing. I find myself at a loss for words, my mind filled with a swirl of emotions and a tinge of nervousness. Brennan's presence always had a way of affecting me, making it difficult to articulate my thoughts.

Just as I begin to panic internally, Bella, approaches us with a bright smile on her face. I silently thank her for the perfect timing, grateful for the distraction she provides.

I feel a wave of relief wash over me as Bella's attention shifts from Brennan to me. Her genuine excitement and unwavering support create a sense of comfort in the midst of the swirling emotions.

Brennan walks off with a nod. "Oh my god, Bella I love you" I say hugging her.

She stands there in shock having no idea what she did. "For what" she laughs. 

"For saving me from a potentially awkward situation" I laugh out. "Oh" she breathes out.

We talk here and there waiting for Maya. And we see her come out but more than half of the others aren't anywhere to be seen. "Maya what happened" I say as she hyperventilates.

"They died... They fell off," she gasps.

Shit just got real

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