Episode 1 - pt.1

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A/N Sorry for being a bit inactive, I'm back with a new book I hope you will all enjoy. (Each episode will have multiple parts, one part for each day).


Prince Cody had become the talk of the entire nation of Sweden for an entire week. His name was on the lips of everyone, and his actions and whereabouts were being discussed in great detail. torture for him. He didn't mean to, he didn't know what he wanted, parties were supposed to be fun, right? Wrong.

Cody despised the overwhelming attention that he received from the press. He couldn't help but wonder why he always managed to mess things up. Even his own parents held a deep resentment towards him, leaving him feeling utterly worthless. In his mind, nobody cared about him, so why should he care about anything or anyone else? Why was his life turning to shit?




Cody sat in the backseat of the car, wishing they would all just be quiet. Every word spoken in the news felt like a personal attack, a reminder that they had all gotten everything wrong. Doubt crept in, taunting him with the possibility that he could be wrong instead. Cody was lost in his own thoughts, struggling to distinguish the truth from the lies.

Why did the press twist every action he did, every fucking thing that came out of his mouth, every sound? Couldn't he live a normal life?

Cody sat content in the back of the car, music blaring from his AirPods and magazine in hand, his face plastered on the front. What a bad angle of him, ew.

That didn't matter, what mattered was what his mother would say, how disappointed she was of him. I didn't care anymore, bring it on.

"Prince Cody?", he pulled out his AirPods, the music fading away, the rhythmic melody becoming still and lifeless. Cody turned to face Malin who began to hand him a sheet of paper. "Not again", I thought, rolling his eyes in clear annoyance.

"What's this for?" I spat, clearly still upset over the whole ordeal. I mean who wouldn't be? They fucking ruined my life over some stupid misunderstanding.

"Your lines for your speech, sir". Malin gave him an apologetic look as she sat patiently waiting for a reply. Cody didn't think she expected the fire to come next.

"Why the fuck do I have to give some dumbass speech?" I retorted, voice raising in pure anger. I scanned over the text again before reading the last sentence in pure horror.

"And that is why I'll be enrolling at Hillerska boarding school". I paused, my throat becoming dry and my head spinning a hundred miles per hour. "What the fuck? When did I ever agree to this?". I shouted angrily, I couldn't even face Malin.

I turned around, tears in my eyes as I stared out the window chewing my thumbnail in anxiety and anticipation for what was to come.


As I stepped into the grand palace, my senses were overwhelmed by the chaotic energy of the bustling crowd. Men and women were frantically scurrying in all directions, their urgent footsteps echoing off the walls. My heart began to race. I fucked up big time.

I trudged up the golden stairs, each step feeling heavier than the last. These were the same stairs that once provided a sense of safety and escape from my mother's wrath. But now, the closer I got to my room, the more I felt a sense of shame. I couldn't help but feel like everyone around me could see the weight of my mistakes and disappointment. staring at me, judging my every move as I began my ascent. I wished the ground could swallow me whole.

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