Episode 2 - pt.2

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A/N- Sorry if it's a little short I'm tired <33

Anyways guys follow my TikTok: Freyarydings 😙



Workies were boring as always, I sat with Noah at a table by Gwen, Lindsay, Beth and Courtney. I guessed Gwen and Courtney were friends again. I had no clue what had happened and I didn't think it was my business to know anyway.

Every now and then, my gaze would shift towards Noah, and every time I did, I was struck by his breathtaking appearance.

His luscious dark hair stood out in perfect contrast against the vibrant red of his sweater, making him look like a fucking God. As I sat there across from him, there was nowhere else I'd rather be. I could spend an eternity just staring at him, lost in his eyes.

Although this was ruined when a certain someone decided to shout in my ear being such an annoying bitch. Duncan. I almost jumped in fright, why did he have to be so.. high maintenance? He was like a child.

Duncan smirked while pulling up a chair and suddenly inviting himself to our table, who got into his head thinking I wanted to sit with him?

"This really is the best thing about rowing!", Duncan began, that stupid grin I hated to see, I can't wait for the day I can wipe that smirk off his face.

"It brings people together, it's amazing isn't it?" Duncan added, looking between the two of us, laughing like some serial killer. Note to self, never be in a room with Duncan alone.

Noah rolled his eyes as I stifled a laugh, I didn't care if Duncan saw that asshole deserves everything bad coming to him.

Okay maybe I was a bit too harsh, he is my cousin after all and Trent seemed to like him I guess.

Noah smiled at me and my heart melted, why did he have to torture me like this?

"You know. class, ethnicity it doesn't matter!" Way too far. Everyone knew he was mocking Noah which was super messed up, even for him.

I looked back at Noah who had begun to pack his things away, I sat there awkwardly while Noah began to stand up. I really wanted to do the same but I couldn't leave Duncan or he'd kill me. I'm not joking.

"I'm going to the library," Noah announced, clearly annoyed but trying his best to hide it. I knew him so well. I smiled goofily at the thought as Duncan gave me a look.

"Maybe we'll see you at practice tonight?" I asked, desperate to see Noah again, he was the only person I actually felt close to here other than Courtney who hung out with her 'girlfriends' all day.

"I can't make it tonight," Noah added quickly, I looked at him with a clear look of upset on my face. I didn't care, I really wanted to see him there or it would be unbearable without him. What was wrong with me?

"You can't skip practice if you want to make the team!" Duncan raised his voice angrily but Noah didn't seem to care, I almost laughed but I knew I'd get lectured by Duncan if I did.

I stared at Noah pleadingly, he gave me an apologetic look before replying to Duncan's ridiculous comment.

"Well, I can't tonight so.." Noah shrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes in annoyance. That was badass, he was hot and cool? In my opinion, if Noah couldn't come it's not his fault, Duncan shouldn't be an ass about it. Even I knew that despite desperately wanting Noah there.

As I stared into Noah's eyes longingly I heard the screech of a chair and looked over to see Gwen now standing up. What was going on?

With a barely audible murmur directed at Beth, she walked over to where Noah was standing beside the door and joined him.

"Wait!" Courtney shouted from across the room. Everyone in close proximity turned to stare at her as she looked back at her friends, clearly embarrassed.

"You both have to come to the movie night Friday!" She smiled sweetly at Gwen who nodded her head, Noah stared blankly at her but I think I was the only one who could see the slight smile that spread across his face.

Courtney smiled at me before turning back to her work, like she knew I liked Noah. No, she couldn't have, I'm not even that obvious! Why would she have invited him? Probably because Gwen was going I guessed.

After a few minutes of silence Duncan spoke up, "I think that's nice, taking care of the school freaks like that."

Everyone turned to look at him angrily, Beth and Lindsay looking livid. I sat there awkwardly but I was secretly raging.

Noah was not a freak, Noah was one of the sweetest people I've ever met and if he couldn't respect that then he can go fuck himself because he probably had no other girls to do it with. Even Courtney didn't want Duncan he was that repulsive.

"Fuck you Duncan." Beth rolled her eyes, returning back to her work with a huff. lindsay glared at Duncan before turning around, clearly pissed off with his childish behaviour. I didn't blame her.

"Gwen isn't a freak you asshole, she may have her faults but she's the only authentic person around." I agreed, Gwen (and Noah) were actual good people unlike Duncan.

Duncan looked stunned but just turned around, tapping his fingers on the desk in frustration I guessed.

Suddenly, with a swift motion, a pen was launched through the air, colliding with Beth's arm on its trajectory. I observed as the pen she had been gripping slipped from her hand. I witnessed Beth look up angrily to see Justin smirking at her but just rolled her eyes in annoyance. What was up with them two? Why was I never informed on anything?!


As I returned to my room I decided to text Noah, I really wanted to at least try convince him to come to practice, I doubted he'd listen.

His stubbornness was kind of attractive.

"Hi! Why aren't you coming to rowing practice? :(" I sent the message and stared at my blank screen in anticipation, somehow afraid of his response being somewhat negative.

I turned to my desk and decided to try doing some homework while waiting for a reply, for the next few minutes I just tapped my pen on the desk in anxiety, waiting as patiently as a helpless teen in love could.

I jumped as I heard the notification from my phone, I almost launched myself to my bed to check who'd messaged me.

My face lit up as I saw Noah's name light up the screen, my heart beating faster as I clicked on the message, anticipated.

"A friend has a football game, I promised I'd go :)" Noah replied, my heart almost stopped as I stared at the cute little smiley face at the end of the message. Did this mean anything?

I then got another ping as the next message came through "tag along if you dare." I almost jumped at the opportunity but realised Duncan would literally roast me alive if I didn't come to practice. I could skip practice once, right?

Just as I was about to reply to say no, Duncan burst through my door. "Ready for practice?", he asked, almost excited for some reason. Who wanted to go to practice at 8pm on a school night? Me normally, but tonight I felt like being risky.

"Sorry, I don't feel very well", I replied, fake coughing and rubbing my throat, trying to give Duncan the idea that my throat was severely sore. I hoped my acting classes in my old school could be put to good use. Sometimes I forget I'm literally the prince of Sweden.

Duncan looked at me apologetically, "oh sorry man! Want me to get you anything?" I started panicking but tried to keep my cool, replying as quick as I could.

"God no it's fine, I'll just stay here if that's okay?" I hoped to god he would just leave me alone and fuck off to practice, I think everyone wished that.

Duncan nodded and wished me a good night, shutting the door behind him as quiet as he could, attempting not to disturb anyone else I suppose.

I lunged for my phone, I don't think I've ever typed so fast "I'll be there."

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