Episode 1 - pt.2

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A/N - this fic is honestly so fun to write I hope you are all enjoying it!! - sorry if this chapter is super long


The following morning, I was abruptly awakened by the sound of relentless knocking on my door. Irritated, I groggily got out of bed and fumbled for a suitable shirt to wear before trudging over to the door and pulling it open to reveal Ezekiel standing on the other side.

"Hello prince, it's 10 past 7", he announced proudly, smiling at me awkwardly. I just thanked him and shut the door in his face, I felt bad but I was annoyed I had to stay in this place. It was worse than hell itself!

The halls were filled with seas of students, clearly excited to be there. How could you be so cheerful in a place like this? It was almost like a prison.

The classroom atmosphere was dull and uninteresting. The teacher seemed to be caught up in his own world, blabbering on about political views and tax evasion. To be honest, I had no interest in these topics nor could I express my opinion due to being royalty, it was stupid really. It was a complete waste of time being present there.

I lost interest in the lecture and started observing my classmates instead. I hoped to gain some insight into their personalities through their reactions to the lecture. However, some of them had bizarre ideas.

Tyler, for instance, was blabbering about tax reduction and how his father's company should not move abroad. What a ridiculous statement. It was clear that some of them had no clue about the topics discussed.

The boy from earlier started giggling and honestly, I didn't blame him, I mean his answer hadn't had much thought process whatsoever and it seemed like Tyler didn't even know what he was talking about. I really didn't care for much of this but it was getting interesting.

The teacher's voice boomed across the classroom, filled with anger. "Noah, would you like to share something with the class?" she demanded. His name was Noah then, I assumed. Cu- cool name.

"It's all right that rich people cheat but when poor people do it, it's messed up", Noah declared proudly. I stared in awe as he continued to prove Tyler completely wrong. That was badass. I couldn't keep my eyes off him for the rest of the lesson after that, he was something alright.

Lunch was even more like a chore, I sat just listening to Duncan ramble on until I noticed Noah sitting in front of me, he seemed as annoyed as me which made me laugh a bit before I spoke.

"I didn't know you belonged to Forest Ridge house?", I asked - I mean I needed any excuse to talk to him but I also longed for the answer.

He smiled at me a bit confused and replied, "Well, I don't". It was my turn to be confused though I didn't really care, his voice was about as angelic as his singing.

I paused, staring at him more before replying "But you eating with us?" I probably sounded stupid to him but I just really wanted to speak to him.

"Us non-residents have to eat somewhere," Noah chuckled a bit and I laughed along, he had a good sense of humour too. He was like the perfect bo-person.

So he was a non-resident? That's why I didn't see him at dinner last night, I really wanted to see him too! It didn't matter, maybe I could invite him over one day. Heck, he probably didn't want to hang out with me after the news circling around about me.

I decided to introduce myself, I mean - I really wanted to be his friend after all. "I don't think we have met, I'm Cody". I smiled at him, not wanting to stop speaking to him. It's like there was a magnet pulling me towards him.

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