Episode 2 - pt.1

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A/N Some of your comments concern me deeply, I think you all forget I can read them anyway love you all <33

TW: discussion of inappropriate subjects


The following morning, I found myself sitting across from Noah at the breakfast table, glancing over at him every chance I could get. The atmosphere was filled with laughter as everyone began chanting "Justin on the table!" repeatedly. I couldn't help but join in on the fun as I watched Justin confidently stand up on his chair, capturing everyone's attention.

The room was filled with anticipation as we waited to see what he was about to reveal and who he'd done it with. According to Tyler, this only happened when two people had- I'm not even going to say it, it was disgusting if I'm honest.

"Beth!" He shouted proudly, everyone started cheering but I honestly just felt bad for Beth for loving an asshole like him.

Justin continued to make inappropriate remarks I didn't even think I could repeat until Duncan pulled him down from the table. Thank god for that.

This stupid tradition seemed to be coming to a close when Duncan, with his unsettling smile, asked if anyone else had anything to share. What was he trying to achieve?

He paced around the room with an almost menacing gait before stopping behind my chair. His eyes bore into me as he asked, "Do you have anything you'd like to add, Cody?"

Why did he think I'd done anything with someone? I'm not like that, I just enjoy parties that's it. I'm not just going to screw some girl I'd just met, I have standards.

"No?" I replied, clearly confused as Duncan started laughing like a maniac, what's wrong with him? I can't believe we are even related.

"That's funny because I clearly remember you walking out with someone last night." Everyone shared looks of excitement while I looked over to Noah who was staring down at his meal, trying not to laugh. I started giggling as well as everyone chanted. "Cody on the table!"

Did they think I was laughing because I had been caught out or something? They were honestly brain-dead if they thought I'd done anything last night, I only remember that interaction with Noah.

I could still feel his soft lips on my hand as I tried to shut Noah up last night which gave me chills down my spine. I'd realised I didn't just like girls for a few years now but who could I tell? My father hardly spoke to me and my mother was too obsessed with "keeping royal traditions", bullshit.

"No guys seriously I didn't do anything last night". I tried laughing it off but everyone got louder and louder, my head started hurting and I started rubbing my chest for comfort. I couldn't have a panic attack here, not now.

I stood up, taking my plate with me and walking off angrily, I couldn't deal with anyone right now and I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts. I hated Duncan and I hated his stupid third-year friends. Nothing happened between me and anyone last night, why did I badly wish something had?


As I walked into the classroom, I realized that I was early. The room was almost empty, with only a few people sitting down, including Noah's sister, Gwen. I was still fuming about what had happened at breakfast, so I angrily threw my chair back and sat down.

As I sat there, my friend Courtney walked in and sat down next to me. I smiled at her, and she smiled back. However, I noticed that Gwen was trying to speak to Courtney but she completely ignored her. I couldn't understand why Courtney would do that, she was usually nice and it seemed to upset Gwen. She looked hurt and super confused, and I felt so bad for her.

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