Episode 2 - pt.3

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A/N I was tired last night and finished writing, got super exhausted and fell asleep so you're getting it today. SORRY ITS KIND OF SHORT!!



Anticipation and anxiety consumed me as I eagerly awaited Cody's arrival. Although I was thrilled to see him, I couldn't shake off the fear of my friends' reactions. Izzy and Eva were notorious for being super judgemental, and while it was sometimes useful, today I wished they were more accepting.

As the bus rolled around the corner, I could make out Cody's face staring lifelessly through the glass panes, his AirPods glowing a faint blue as he noticed me, pulling them out of his ears as he waved with his free hand.

My heart fluttered at the sight but I sunk them feelings down, angry at myself for even falling for THE prince of Sweden. How could I be so stupid?

With a wide grin on his face, Cody hopped off the bus and strolled towards me. He had to quickly dodge a reckless car, but he didn't seem to mind as he laughed it off. How could he be so cute and charismatic after nearly being fucking hit by a car?

It was Cody though, he was known for being reckless all over the media I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up in a random field after doing drugs or something.

He ran over and hugged me, almost knocking me over before pulling away awkwardly. I could feel my face getting redder and my heart beating a million miles an hour.

Cody laughed before asking "How are you?" He tilted his head to the side smirking. Was he trying to make me have a heart attack or something? Because it was working.

"I'm good how are you?" I laughed a bit, taken aback by the formality of it all. We were 'friends' after all if he thought of us like that, I secretly wished he thought of us as more than just friends. I guess he was just being nice or was nervous?

"Have you always lived here?" He asked confused, okay this was officially one of the most awkward conversations I've ever had but I rolled with it.

"Yeah." Was I stupid? I could have started talking to him about Bjärstad to make it less awkward but I was shaking, almost like I was having a seizure or something. He was just so.. majestic. I could stare into his eyes forever.

"Is it nice?" Cody's piercing gaze locked onto mine and I couldn't help but feel a rush of heat flood my body. The heavy jacket I was wearing suddenly felt suffocatingly hot, like I was standing too close to the sun itself.

"I mean.. everybody knows everybody, so it's.. yeah." I was struggling to even speak under his gaze. It was like I was under a love spell, my heart chasing after the one boy I knew I couldn't have.

"Sounds a bit like my life," Cody chuckled and I felt a bit uncomfortable, was it really like his life? Are you kidding me?


We made our way over to where Noah's friend, who I'd learned her name was Eva, was playing.

"What's up?" Noah asked as he made his way over to a long, ginger-haired girl, she looked super excited to see him. My blood ran cold, was this his girlfriend? I felt tears form and trickle down my cheek but I wiped them away, joining the two by the side of the pitch.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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