The outfit part 1

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Hey everyone I know this is a steddie one shit book the next part will be I'm just wanting to do abit of Robin and Steve friendship because I love it so next part will have steddie but please read this one please

Steve is walking through Hawkins mall with Robin Tobin Ben wanting to find a new job that her and Steve can work but also get some thing's but neither has been working out all the stores weren't hiring and they can't really afford some of there prices there wanting for some of the stuff they found they like.

"Robin I think we should just go "

"Aw come on Steve just a few more minutes please "

Steve huffed and said sure Steve was tired and didn't really want to go to the mall his still abit hunted by what happend in the last one. Robin and Steve came by this cute small store Robin grab Steve and drag him inside both of them where looking at all if the cute stuff and the clothes Robin was looking at this cute outfit she thought eleven would like Steve walk away ans started ro lo9k at some other outfit till one cought his eye he grab ut out the rack and look at it he thought it was really cute he check the size and it was his size.

"Hey what you gor there nuckled head "

Steve jump and look at Robin who snuck up behind him

"Don't sneack up on me like that robs "

"Sorry anyway you gonna answer my question "

Steve want to qucly put the outfit back but Robin grab it out of his hand Steve blushd Robin look at the outfit she thought it was really cute she check the size of it

"It's a cute outfit but it won't fit any of the kids or Nancy or me Steve "

"I know that why I went to put it back"

Steve lied Robin look at Steve and studied his face

"Shame it was a cute outfit "

Steve nodded


"But what ?"

"It would fit you you should try it on "

Steve look at Robin like are tou crazy Robin just smirk and shivers the outfit to his chest and drag him to a change room she push Steve and and closes the door

"Robin I'm not trying on the outfit!!!"

Steve yelled

"Come on do it I could tell by your face tou really like it "

Robin tried to convince Steve. Steve sighd Robin right and he can't hide anything from her she can read him like a book Steve hug the outfit on the hook and took his cloths off Steve then grab the outfit and put it on Steve look at himself in the mirror and he loved the way he look and loved how the outfit look on him he loved it but hmthen he relise if anyone other then his freinds see him whering it he would get made fun off he would be jump possibly.

"Hey Steve you alright in there ?"

"Yeah I'm fine "

Steve lied Steve opend the door and stood in the change room infrount of Robin so nobody else can see him.

Steve had on a a wh8ght shirt with pick trim with a whiteskit with a pick trim and a black buckled with a hart clip.

Steve had on a a wh8ght shirt with pick trim with a whiteskit with a pick trim and a black buckled with a hart clip

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*pretend there no classes and also NOT MY ART GOT IT OFF OF PINTEREST *

"Wow Steve you look amazing "

"Heh thanks"

Steve rub the back of his neck feeling abit uncomfortable he love the outfit his worried about what people would say what his freinds would say what Eddie would say

"Let's buy it "


"You like it don't you ?"

"Well yeah but-"

"No but you like the outfit Let's get it"

"But Robin what would everyone think with me whering this ypu know a man whering woman cloths arnt so thing you see everyday "

Steve cross his harms and look to the side abit upset but also abit embarrassed. Robin sighd Steve has a point but when she seen Steve looking at the outfit she can tell Steve really like the outfit. Robin cross her harm and look at Steve

"Do you ir do you not feel Bonita?"


Stee look at Robin confused

"Do you or do you nit feel Bonita?"

Steve chuckled

"I feel Bonita "

"Wonderful becuz you look Bonita "

Robin through her hands in the air she walk to Steve and put her hands on his sholder and look at Steve sternly Steve gulp

"If tou love this outfit where getting it don't worry about what other might think because you love this outfit okay "

Steve nodded Robin smiled and let go if Steve she got out of the change room so Steve can change back once he was don't they went to the clerk and bought the outfit and left both of them happy they might not usve found a job yet but they got a cut outfit for Steve to where.

Next part will fixture steddie I promise but it will not fixture smutt this one shit book will nit have smut just wanting to point that out now.

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