The secret meet up

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This is a au where the underground doesn't exist but stevesill met Eddie from the kids playing DnD

Steve was waiting out of his truck waiting for the kids. The front door of Eddie trailer opend and the kids went running out chatting about the game they seemed like they won again.

"It was amazing we kick that vampire ass dude"

Mike said to Lucas

"O yeah we did"

All of theme jump into Steve truck Eddie walk up to Steve

"Thanks for taking them home man"

"No problem b-dude"

Steve almost called Eddie baby he and Steve been dating for two month and wanting to keep it a secret from the kids and there freinds for now.

Eddie leand over to Steve and wipers

"Let's meet up at our spot Steve the usual time"

Eddie leand away and patted his sholder Steve nodded and hope in the truck Eddie wined bye and so did everyone else Steve reverse out of the drive way and turnd to the exite of the trailer park and drove away.

"Soooo what did eddie wipers to you steve?"

Dustin ask who's sitting in the sit next to him

"Nothing Dustin "

"Didn't look like nothing "

Lucas added Steve rolled his eyes why do they have ro be so noisy he thought

"It was just about the next meeting you lovers have and wanted to see if I was going to play "

Steve lied casual the kids nodded nit falling believing it but knowing they won't get the truth . Steve drop them off one by one at there designated houses and drove back home he was tired but wanted to meet with Eddie so he got in his shower and did his routine with his perfect hair. After his shower he dried off did his hair and went and tried on three different outfits till he decided on one he like .

A blue buttone up with black jeans a black belt and a black coat he check the time and seen it was 9:20 he had to meet with Eddie at 9:40 so he ran downstairs and grab his keys check himself in a mirror one more time and left the house making sure he lock the door he hop in his car and drove to there spot exited to see Eddie. Steve pulled up to a park and got out he walk down the path to a old abandoned alley half way there it started to spit so Steve Puck up his pace to the ally once he got to the alley he seen Eddie leaning against the wall of the alley he was waring a blue shirt with rips sleeve and black jeans.  Steve walk up to Eddie

"Hey there edds"

"Hey stevy finally decided to show up Hey?"

Eddie smirk Steve rolled his eyes Steve leand to Eddie and kiss him on the cheek

"Jezz Steve take me in a date first "

"Says the man that wanted to hop in bed with me on day one"

Eddie chuckled Eddie look out of the alley and seen it was down pouring

"Jeez this is going to ruin my hair"

Steve look out of the alley

Steve seen the down pour he chuckled and look at Eddie

"I thought I was the only one absence about my hair"

"Ha ha you know black curly hair gets frizzy when it humade or wet"

Steve chuckled he leand toward Eddie and kiss his lips Eddie kissed back. Both of them herd a gasp behide at the other end of the alley they pulled away and look over there standing st the end if the alley was Dustin with his jaw drop.

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