The date

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Steve and Eddie where in each other room getting ready for there date they been planing foe mothes both of them where really excited for it Ribin help them fine a dinner where they can be themselves it was abit far away from Hawkins but it will be worth it they get to spend more time together in the car.

"What kind if food dose it surve again steve?"

"I believe it saves breakfast and super "

Eddie nodded and went back doing his eye liner Steve wach he doesn't know why but he loves waching Eddie do his make up meaby it's hiw afirabke his concentration face. Eddie smuch his eyeliner Eddie look at his make up and got a idea he turned to Steve and smirked

"Hey stevy can I do something?"

"Do what?"

"Can u put some make up on you ?"

Steve pounderd he never wore make up but Eddie looks very excited he smiled

"Sure Eddie "


Eddie scream and thrown his harms up in the air. Eddie told Steve to sit on the bed Steve sat and Eddie grab his make up palette he sat infrount of Steve on a chair and started to do his make up telling Steve to not move every cupple of minutes. Eddie stated getting annoyed abit when ever Steve would move Eddie got a idea he push Steve on the bed surprised and sat down on him.

"Eddie what the hack "

Steve said in a amused tone Eddie sneaker

"You won't stay still stevy "

Eddie chuckled and lean and grab some eye liner he started to do his eye liner.

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*art dose not belong to me*

Eddie and Steve stand silent while Eddie dose Steve make up Enjoying the moment it was peaceful. Eddie finished Steve make up Steve look into his mirror he love it he walk to Eddie and kiss his cheek

"I love it baby thank you "

"I'm glad you you love it "

Eddie look at Steve and kiss him on the lips Steve kiss back the pulled away. Both if then head downstairs they grab the bags and hop into Steve truck.

"Ready for the trip "

"Hell yeah "

Steve started the truck he started to drive down the road to the restaurant. Eddie put his hand on Steve they

"I'm so happy Robin found this place "

"Me to "

Both of them sat in silence enjoying each other company after 5 minutes Eddie was looking at music tapes to play

"Man Steve do you have any metal music?"

"There might be some in the farther back of the clove apartment I think "

Eddie took more music tapes out ones that are bassicly just Steve tast but Eddie put some of his in here Eddie ketp digging on the clove apartment and finaly found a tape that cought his eye it had a s+e on it Steve was paying attention more on the road then Eddie so he didn't see that Eddie had the gift he planed on giving Eddie in the restaurant the firts song played and it was Eddie type of music so Steve didn't realize it was the tape he was going to gift Eddie. The song plays then ends the next song plays and ut was Steve favorite Steve eyes widen relising what tape was playing he look over at Eddie Eddie was looking at him with a puzzled face.

"What consent tape is this steve?"

"It's one I made for you..."

Steve look back to the road and rook s left driving out of Hawkins Eddie smiled he leand back and put his hand back on the they and listing to the music every song that switches was one of there favorites one. They got to the dinner Steve Park the car and turnd it off

"Edds where here "

"Mmm? Yes I'm starving "

Eddie gave a quick kiss to Steve and both of them got out and walk in the dinner a young woman walk up to them

"A table for two ?"

"Yes "

Steve said she took them to a table in the back by a big window

"Thank you "

"Yes very thank you "

"You both very welcome "

Both of them sat down and she handed them a menu
"What can I get both of you to drink ?"

"I'll have a water "
Eddie said

"I'll take a coke "
Steve said said

The waitress nodded and wrote that down

"I'll ba right back with your drinks and for your order "

She left eddie talk and laugh for abit the Wraitress came back and gave them there drinks and got there order and left steve and eddie lauch and joke around rill the weighter came back with there food she then left agater giving there food sying to call her for the bill.Steve lean his head on his fist and admirer Eddie Eddie look at Steve and smiled

Steve lean his head on his fist and admirer Eddie Eddie look at Steve and smiled

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"See something you like Harrington?"

"I very much do Munson "

"O and what would that be ?"

"My dessert when we get home "

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