31. final

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i woke up to my phone ringing repeatedly, my head immediately began to hurt, as if it was going to explode.

i grabbed my phone from the floor before answering daniel's call.

"where have you been?" he asked, not even giving me time to say hello. i got off the couch, "what— what happened?"

he paused before answering, "look, joão. i can't tell you over the phone.. i'll be at your house in five." i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion before nodding, "alright.."

he said goodbye before hanging up the phone leaving me worried. i decided to shrug it off and pick up the alcohol bottles off the couch and floor, throwing them away.

a knock was already heard at the door by the time i cleaned up the living room. i sighed before walking over and opening up the door.

my concern grew as i noticed daniel's state.

his eyes were fucking red like he had spent all of last night crying and doing nothing else. "what's going on, daniel?" i asked, letting him in.

he sat down on the couch, unable to look me in the eye. "can you sit down?" he asked, his voice cracking. i nodded, sitting down next to him.

"dude, what happened?" i asked in a serious tone, worried. he looked up at me as his eyes filled with tears, "just— trust me you will listen and not get angry."

"i can't promise you shit, daniel. tell me what's going on." i demanded, getting impatient. he fiddled with his fingers before finally speaking up, "it's about vera."

my heart dropped at the sound of her name, "vera? what— what happened to vera?" i asked, stuttering in surprise.

he shook his head, "i don't even know how to tell you this, joão." i held onto him, "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO VERA?" i asked again, losing my temper.

he shut his eyes, breaking down into tears. "she passed away, joão.." he cried out.

those words were enough to turn my entire world upside down. after those words, i never truly understood life. i only wanted to break into pieces and fall to the ground.

tears fell down my face as i stared at him in confusion, "what? what— what are you talking about, daniel? stop joking around!"

he shook his head again, only confirming it to be true. "i'm not joking, joão."

i shook my head in disbelief, "no.. no.. no, you're fucking lying! stop messing with me!" i held daniel by his collar defensively as my voice became shaky.

instead, daniel said nothing. only crying.

i let go of his collar, sitting back down. "you're messing with me, daniel. tell me the truth."

he wiped his tears before explaining, "she's been suffering from a heart disease for the past year, joão. it's why joana and i have been lying to you about her, she told us not to tell you."

i shook my head once again, "no— don't tell me bullshit, daniel. i saw her just two days ago!"

"we— we went out and ate breakfast together too! stop lying!" i continued. daniel nodded, "i know, joão. the doctors told her that she was feeling better and that she could go out. that's how she met up with you. but.. last morning, they found her unconscious in her apartment."

tears fell down my face in disbelief, "this isn't real, daniel. tell me— tell me this is a joke."

he ignored me, taking a piece of paper from his jacket and handing it to me. "they found this on her nightstand. they said it looked like she was throwing it away in hope of making it out alive."

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