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Wakasa X fem reader

Wakasa X fem reader

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OG timeline wakasa






That's her routine everyday, no changes or anything special. She did try getting into online dating and meeting random strangers. It all ended in no use as her strict parents wanted to marry her off to someone. Yn ln needed to find herself a good suitor that has a decent job, an IT man with a 9-5 office and car. A settled man.

All the suitors rejected her to the point her heart became numb. Men didn't even want yn for sex. They gave numerous reasons to say no, some were extremely hurtful.

"God,yn just die already ! I can't wait anymore"

Yn had a beautiful younger sister and she can't get married unless the elder sibling does. Clutching her skirt, yn left her home without bidding farewell to her mother. Her father was waiting outside to leave together. On her way down, they bumped into their lovely neighbour.

"Youngsters these days!"

Mr. Ln cursed at the black haired Yakuza leader. He smirked in response, making out intensely with his toy, a model to be exact. Yn blushed as his eyes locked with hers. Quickly she rushed out,tailing her father.

Yn worked at the nearby bakery, she knows wakasa as a delinquent. Countless times she's found him lying unconscious or bleeding on the staircase. She's never questioned or scolded him harshly for causing any nuisance, she's only taken care of him. Wakasa didn't bother much about her either,she was too good for him and his lifestyle.

"Good morning,what would you like?"

"Your smile is cute"

Her regular customer, an IT man that has set yn's heart on fire. Hiding her giddiness, yn Kept her composure and got his regular order. Her life went incredibly mundane and she had a suitor meeting them later that night. Yn's parents were out of town , so it was up to only yn and her sister.

Reaching home, she found wakasa there by the stairs with a cigarette on his lips. Pulling out a Tupperware from her box, she gave it to him. It's the extra cakes that weren't sold so the employees were allowed to bring them back.

"Thank you, yn"

His fingers brushed against hers for a brief moment, she relaxed alittle. Taking a seat beside him,she pulled up her knees to her chest and buried her head down. Wakasa hummed, allowing yn to rest her head on his shoulder.

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