The first one.

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Pov: Satoru

I had just recently moved into my college dorm. I didn't  have any other idea to choose for my roommate besides my best friend. My best friend that I wouldn't know what to do without. Geto Suguru. He wasn't a very lively guy like me, he tended to be more mature and cold, although he had a soft spot for me. He wasn't the type to be all into physical affection either, usually I was the one who would reach out for hugs, or wrap my arm around his neck. But he is my best friend so none of that matters. 

I came home very tired. The days seemed to drain my energy away. All I could do was take naps almost anywhere possible. My favorite was the couch. I removed my shoes and set them aside somwhere. I didnt care where, I could just deal with them later. I plopped onto the couch like a half empty bean bag and started dozing off. I didnt even care to take a shower or get a change of clothes. This was how i always did it. I didnt care much about things in the moment, I always assumed things would work out eventually, or Id somehow figure it out later. But that was never the case. I often forgot a blanket when I napped. Our dorm was always very cold, sweaters and sweatpants were the default clothing you had to wear or else you would basically freeze. I didnt think about this though, and just relaxed and entered my long awaited slumber. 

Pov: Suguru

I heard Satoru come home from the loud squeaky door opening, and his loud keys jingling, and his loud footsteps hitting the hard tile floor. This let me know it was about time for one of Satorus naps. He liked to sleep alot. I could tell since the day I met him that he was always somewhat exausted. He was always dozing off at random times, and taking 2-3 long naps during the day. But I didnt mind. I just wanted what was best for him, and I know he enjoyed sleeping from the way his face looked as he slept.

 I got up from my seat and walked into the living area to see him lying on the couch without no blanket. This seemed to be a reoccurring thing. It was almost like me taking care off him was a job I just had to do. I didn't mind it one bit though.

 As I came back with my blanket he was sound asleep. Satoru is a heavly sleeper. Not much can actually wake him up. I gently placed the blanket over him, lifting it up high in the air, and watching it gently fall down onto him and seeing his bodys outline become more apparent as it settled.  For some reason I enjoyed seeing that. 

I looked at his peacful face. He was born naturally gorgeous. He had soft white hair that was tamed to perfectly compliment his features. He also had long white eyelashes that any woman would be envious of. He had a sharp jawline, a perfectly toned body. And the best part of it all, his drop dead gorgeous peircing blue eyes. His eyes shimmered like diamonds against the sun, and looked like a beautiful dark sea at night. He is the guy of every ladys dreams. Especially mine. 

I stared at his face. He always looked so calm when he slept. Which is the exact opposite from how he normally is. I watched his chest rise and fall slowly with each breath he took. I took his face in my hand and I gently caressed  his cheek with my thumb. I felt how soft and smooth his skin was. I leaned forward and kissed him on his forehead. I let the kiss linger for a couple of seconds before pulling away. After, I stood back up and sat somewhat close to him on the floor and began working on school work. 

Pov: Satoru

I was asleep on the couch but was awoken when I heard Suguru walk into the living area. Usually I never wake up this easily, I guess I had only dozed off for a couple of minutes. I decided I would pretend to sleep so he didn't feel bad for waking me up.

 I heard him come back into the lving area with something in his hands. I feel a blanket slowly fall onto me. No wonder I always wake up with a blanket on top of me. I guess that solves the question that I had. I had expected for him to walk away after, but he just stood there and watched me. It didnt creep me out at all, in fact who wouldnt want to stare at me. I hear him lean down and I feel him gently grab my cheek with his soft delicate hands. This seemed out of the ordinary for Suguru. He never did stuff like this. I always thought he wasn't a fan of physical touch. Perhaps I was wrong. His thumb slides across my face, his hands caressing my face. For some reason, my body feels light, almost as if its melting into his touch. It feels nice. It feels warm. Suddenly I feel his lips connect with my forehead. It wasn't just a small peck either, it was a genuine kiss. I lay there shocked, trying not to show my bodys reaction to that. It feels weird. Like im floating almost. But why? Usually I would get these feelings when I sat next to the girl I liked in elementary school, or my high school crush talked to me. But this feeling was stronger. Im sure im heterosexual. Ive never looked at a man that way. Ive always looked in the magazines and gazed at the women thinking, "Shes hot!", so why am I starting to question myself now? I think I know why. I don't want to admit it though.

Pov: Suguru

Around 40 minutes later I heard  a loud sigh come from Satoru. He woke up from his nap and still looked like he could be on Vogue magazine. A little bit before he woke up I made him some food. Nothing much, just something small that will satisfy his appetite and give him some needed energy. 

"Satoru, there is some food on the counter there for you. Eat well so you can save some more of that energy." I tell him.

"Right...thank you Suguru." He tells me in a short and blunt response. 

Is he mad at me? Whatever. I honestly don't know, but maybe he just had a bad day. The Satoru I know would have been jumping up and down for the food regardless if he was tired. He also would have asked me about my day. Oh right, I should do that as well. 

"Satoru, how did your day go?" I say calmly, in a friendly way.

"It was alright, my glasses broke on me though." Is the response I get from him.

He would have been very expressive on his frustration for his broken glasses. They are in-fact very important to him. Without them his eyes would be in great harm.  

"Maybe we should give you a blindfold in the time being before we get you some new ones." I say while slightly chuckling, trying to lighten the mood. 

"Sounds good to me." He says, not energetic at all.

"Satoru, did you get enough rest? Are you okay? You seem off." I tell him, getting up from where I sit to walk over towards him.

"If its about the glasses I can just go take them to get fixed for you before it gets darker..." I say, trying to read him better. 

"Its okay Suguru, Im just feeling a little sluggish thats all." He tells me as he faces towards me, but avoiding eye contact. 

I walk up to him and holding his head in my hands, putting one of them on his forehead to check his temputure.

"W..what are you doing..?" He asks me. 

It almost seems like he is flustered or panicked. Is he hiding something from me? He doesn't make any effort to make me unhand him. I gently pinch his nose and laugh. 

"Well you arent overheated, maybe you just need to eat. Here." I say as I serve him and me some of the food I made. 

We spent the rest of our time talking about school or work, and other random things. Overall he seemed okay, just maybe he wasn't at his best. 

Pov: Satoru

After I'm done cleaning up the dishes we dirtied, I immediately lay back on the couch. I don't know why I did though. Suguru will be studying in the living area all night, and i could always go back to my room, but for some reason I stayed. I even made sure to lay down a pretend to sleep before he got back, that way the possibilities of another kiss happening are greater. I really do wonder why I want him to kiss me again. Im yearning for his attention and love. At least I think he kisses me with love. But the other questions i ask myself in my head are cleared away as i hear him walk over hear again. He starts playing with my hair, scratching my head, stroking me. It feels nice. I savor the moment, but its not long before he pulls his hand away. Although shortly after i feel him grab my chin and tilt it down to make it easier to kiss my forehead. Butterflies fill my stomach, my body feels weightless and i try to not make it obvious im enjoying it. As he pulls away and goes back to his studying, I'm left there. Laying on the couch. Questioning everything I thought I knew about myself. 

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