"Love you"

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Pov: Suguru

A couple days later...

Its been a while since me and Satoru have been able to spend some time together. After all, we haven't had much time off lately. School and work seems never ending. Even if we do have breaks, its spent doing work or studying. Recently Satoru seems a bit more tired. His long naps during the day have been longer.

I come home from work at 7:54 pm to find Satoru on the couch asleep. He is still in his work/school clothes. I decide to change him into some pajamas. It shouldn't be that weird, after all, weve been friends for so long. Im sure he'd appreciate the gesture anyway. I walk over to his room that he barley sleeps in and I rummage through some of his drawers before finding some clothes he can sleep in. A plaid pair of pajama pants and a tank top. I could have just chose any t shirt, but a part if me just really wanted to see him in this tank top. I walk back down the hall and up to the couch.

I begin removing his shirt. It was a button down, so it was easy enough. His pants are trickier. I undo his belt and gently remove it from his pants. I set it aside before I very carefully unbuttoning his pants. I gently pull the zipper down before I slide them down his legs. He is now bare in-front of me. All he has on are some boxers and gray socks. I stare at him. I know it's disrespectful, but I just cant help myself. He really his perfect. I pick up his tank and stretch it over his head and arms very gently. I try my best not to wake him. As I slide the fabric over his stomach, i cant help but caress his washboard abs. I admire him a bit more before I snap out of it and continue dressing him. I slide the pajama pants up his legs with ease. I let out a sigh of relief. I successfully changed him. I walk over to my room to grab one of my blankets. I choose my favorite one and I bring it back over to the couch. I gently lift the blanket into the air and I watch it fall onto his body, outlining the silhouette of his body. I lean down to brush his hair out if his face and kiss him on the forehead. I let the kiss linger before I turn off the lights  and head to my own room to get my self ready to sleep.

I change my clothes and wash my face. I brush my teeth and lay in bed with a blanket. Not my favorite blanket, but it will have to do since Satoru is using the other one. I stare up at the ceiling trying to find the tiredness. I relax my muscles and shut my eyes. I don't know what I want to dream about. I guess any dream with Satoru in it would be a good dream. I decide to dream about that tonight.

I wake up at around 2:00 am. I dont remember the dream that well, but It send me launching up from bed in cold sweat. My head aches and I let out a pained sigh. I get up form bed and practically drag myself down the hall and into the living room, letting my instincts guide me through the darkness. I turn on a dimmed light in the living room. It illuminates Satoru laying on the couch in the same spot I had last seen him. I smile to myself before walking to the fridge to get myself a glass of water. I sip it as I walk over to Satoru. I set my empty glass on the coffee table that sits in the middle of the living areas carpet. Our dorm isn't big, but it isn't small either. A living area close to the entry. A small kitchen in the same room. Two hallways, one that leads to our rooms, one that leads to closets and bathrooms etc. It isn't a mansion. Not even close. But its enough, and I love living here with Satoru. Even if he leaves his dirty clothes laying around. Even if he forgets to place his shoes where they belong, or occasionally flush the toilet, its manageable, and I don't know what I would do without him. Before I know it, a wave of exhaustion hits me and I lean down next to him. half my body on the couch and half sitting on the floor. It isn't  very comfy. But from this angle, my tired eyes admire Satoru and give him one last kiss on the cheek before I nod off to sleep. 

The dim light coming from behind the curtains is enough to wake me up. That and the back pain from the akward sleeping postion I had fallen asleep in the night before. I wake up to my face close to Satorus face. I blush and quickly back up by instinct. If its morning, he could wake up any minute. And id rather him not wake up to me being glued to him. I sat up and clutch my back from a sudden pain. I should not have fallen asleep there. I streatch my back out, but the slight pain lingers. I walk to the fridge to get a glass of water. I set the cup down and wlak down the hall to use the bathroom. I pee, and shower. I shower quickly to allow there to be more time for me to cook a meal. 

After my shower I wash my face, put on some clothes to lounge around in. It is my day off after all. I put some lotion on and brush my teeth. I walk out of the bathroom and down the hall. I see Satoru awake and drinking coffee. 

"You drinking coffee?" I ask.

He looks down and smiles while setting his mug down.

"Yes, but I like the way you make it more." He says.

I take the compliment and rummage around in the pantry before gathering enough ingredients to make some food. 

Satoru watches me the whole time. I check the clock. Its 10:45 am. It is the weekend, but satoru still has to work. He has to be there by 12:00 pm. 

"Satoru, are you gonna get ready for work?" I ask, but more as a reminder. 

His eyes widen. and he sets his mug down again and smiles.

"Your right, I do work. Thanks for that!" He practically sings as he races down the hall and into his room.

I shake my head as I smile, surprised, but at the same time not by his reaction to my reminder. 

"Well, I'll be home by 7:45 pm tonight, don't have too much without me alright?" Satoru says as he leaves out the door. 

I smirk. "Yeah, yeah, just get outta here already." I say in a joking way. 

Satoru flashes me a smile and begins to shut the door.

"Love you too!" He replies. 

The door shuts. "Love you"? Does he really mean it? I feel my heart rate go up and a familiar feeling of butterflies in my stomachs come back. I shouldn't be feeling this way, but how can I not?

(sorry if these chapters are short, school is tough and i dont have much motivation, but ill try to make these longer! let me know what i should improve on!)

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